
Could be a very tough time for someone who might be a bit vulnerable or just going through a bad bout of the Big D. Coupled with all the other worries they may have. Hopefully it’s over soon

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If you’re fortunate enough to have a spare few quid lying around you could do worse than to throw it to Pieta House, Aware, or some of the local suicide charities for this very reason. They’re inundated with calls at the moment.


A friend of mine, an Ennis musician living in Kilkenny city now (cc @Malarkey) put up an old song for download there a few weeks back, with all proceeds going to Pieta House during this time. Mightn’t seem much put think he got close to the €300. Another band in Cork raised over €1000 for Aware. We probably won’t here about these people as they are more struggling artists with limited public profile but good to see them doing their bit at a time when one of their main revenue streams (i.e. gigs) is no longer available to them


Another poor divil out in Oranmore last week too.

2 young lads in Cavan have died tragically in the last week or thereabouts.

One chap, 23, captained Killilkere to the county junior title last October, the other chap was 19/20 and had been on a relatively recent St. Pat’s Cavan Maghera cup winning team. He was from Ballinagh. Both devastating shocks in rural GAA parishes and further afield. RIP.

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Jesus thats shocking.

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I seen the one about the footballer and thought that’s what it was alright. Very sad.

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i guy i used to work with - wasnt close to him but id say their are a lot of people struggling with the lockdown and covid 19

go easy on each other


Yeah I can’t imagine it’s easy for some people. Very little outlets for them and no one to notice if they are acting a bit strange.

Stay safe lads


Thats the beauty of this place, it allows lads go off the deep end on a topic, and all the while masking the insanity inside from their loved ones. God bless you all.


Steve Bing, real estate heir and father of Liz Hurley’s son, jumped from his LA apartment balcony to his death.

Initial reports blaming the isolation from Covid as a significant factor.

Its a fairly risky way to go about it. What if you survived the fall but became quadraplegic…

Jumping from 27 floors up I’d say fairly ensures the desired outcome.

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RIP, you know that’s just mad, a fella that you’d look at and think “that’s a guy that has everything a man could have” but really no-one knew anything about him. What is this? Is it something like he couldn’t live with himself, couldn’t handle his own company? He must have had serious depression.

Pretty much. It goes to show that material possessions mean nothing if you are not at ease with your own individual existence.


[quote=“Tank, post:2681, topic:6453, full:true”]think “that’s a guy that has everything a man could have” .
That’s the problem right there…nobody has everything…
Furthermore resilience generally develops from being exposed to hardship and suffering…

God almighty

I’ve been saying as much here for months

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100 PC though we all like our possessions health is wealth, and close family/ friendship is paramount

Nature has great energy too pal…