
I know a psychiatric nurse who works in a home like this. Usually 3 occupants who are being recuperated back into society. 2/3 staff on at all times. Huge resources go into it. That in itself is amazing compared to many countries.
There’s no doubt our health system could be managed a lot better but we do throw huge resources at it and there are some fantastic outcomes as well as really terrible ones. And each case is very different and sometimes it is impossible to help everyone/someone. Sometimes people will fall through the cracks. We just have to keep trying to learn from it and improve it.


Terrible sad case in Kilkenny during the week. A 17 year old lassie threw herself off a bridge.


It’s the finality of it. That’s it. No second chance. No chance to get better.

It’s a worry any parent should have. Nobody is immune from it.


That’s the bit I think teenagers don’t comprehend unfortunately

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A lot of deleted posts on this thread. Might Archbishop Holohan-lover, Vicky Phelan-hater @Johnbird have a nasty side?

Oh I tell you kid. Having g two daughters, it’s the one thing that’s always in the back of my mind. I’ve been very lucky in life and thankfully have no financial worries. But I actually shit my pants every time any of my two girls go out .


Your fella got very lucky, he has a great father.


An emotional response to a 17 year old kid taking his own life that was poorly worded and apologies to all concerned.
Any more shit stirring coming from you today?


That’s a smashing thing to say. You’re maturing nicely fella.

@Tank has come a long way this past 12 months

A permanent solution to a temporary problem.

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Desperately …trying not… to take …the bait…


Over Christmas my cousin was over with his kids. Himself and his mrs are a bit out there like alternative types. I’d say they are raising their kids in a fairly alternative way. Nothing wrong with that of course but the young lad maybe 8 Or 9 had moved schools because of being bullied.

I asked how he was getting on in his new school and he replied that the students were kinder in his new school.

Well I was totally stumped after it. The thoughts of having an unhappy childhood is awful. We should all be kinder and try do more for people as much as possible. Even if it’s just biting your tongue when your pissed off. If Everyone does a little it would add up to a lot.


Teachers have a lot to answer for , there are some of them bullying kids on a daily basis .

I think that’s a loaded post. It’s not something I know much about but I doubt there’s any one group responsible tbh. It’s a very difficult thing to solve. I just think if we all tried to do a little bit it could make a massive difference.

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Loaded ? What’s that ?

Tbh wish I was - like the rest of us I’m a plodder- made some serious fuck ups along the way but getting there and thank you

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My eldest one is 40 in Derry other 39 in Perth and u never stop worrying

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Kids can be right cunts at times

