
Post it up there @Juhniallio.Id genuinely like to see it if itā€™s not too personal.


Will try to find it. Itā€™s in this. Think we have a copy at home house.


Shots fired

Body armour for all

Could you blame the poor woman when she had a daughter going out with the likes of you.


I think instilling the notion of not being able to control a lot of stuff in life is important to tell kids from an early stage. Life is full of things we canā€™t control including the actions of others amongst other things. Itā€™s the nature of existence and we need to come to terms with that somehow and not waste our precious energy and attention on it. Hard to tell that to ta young lad being bullied though but as you say itā€™s all about the parenting.


I was the least of her worries. She has six sons.


With a boy you only have to worry about one prick.
With a girl youā€™ve to worry about every other prick


Itā€™s hard enough. Personalities are hard wired and some kids just take things to heart. My older lad has really struggled with the move to secondary school - really bad anxiety/stress. Heā€™d worry about taking too long getting changed for PE not knowing where to go/getting in trouble etc There were tears this morning when I dropped him off

In some ways heā€™s the best kid in the world, funny, bright, loves South Park, Radiohead, has good pals (now in different schools) but his anxiety is crippling at times (it may be related to his dyspraxia)

Heā€™s different from a lot of his peers - no interest in sport and disdainful about kids arguing over United / Liverpool so doesnā€™t help himself

Weā€™re at a stage where weā€™ll probably look at some form of therapy/CBT because like learning to drive sometimes a kid needs to hear things from a third party professional

My younger lad sort of sails through life and doesnā€™t get stressed except by ā€œunfairnessā€ :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Have you let the year head know? Might be worth having a conversation and informing his class teachers about situation. Itā€™s common enough. Just ensures that there are other sets of eyes on him during the day.


Yeah we had a blow up early in the school year. School didnā€™t handle things well about a class move in first few days but In fairness they have been brilliant since then. I

Principal and year head have been good to him, reassured him about things and he doesnā€™t need to worry. It helps for a bit and then the anxiety builds again.

Weā€™ll figure it out but I expect some form of outside help will be needed


If school donā€™t provide you with some contacts for above, drop me a PM and I can give you some.


Very true unfortunately.

Have heard of a couple of suicides locally where breakups were major factors in the reason for the action taken.

Terrible for the family but awful too for the teen left behind who ended the relationship

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Anxiety is a cunt when you are prone to it. Logic doesnā€™t enter the equation. I find that in my late 30s, never mind a teenager.

Hope your lad is ok and any help you decide to get helps the lad,


The missus best friends eldest lad has started secondary school this year.
Totally overwhelmed by it all and possibly the Covid situation.

Heā€™s getting therapy through school ( got some over xmas holidays ) and has been advised not to go back yet.

He was very young starting school so Iā€™d imagine the step up from primary to secondary has been too much for him.

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Erra Iā€™d debate that with anybody in the real world but Iā€™m past doing it here, the collective mindset that s well formed.
There are still winners in kids competitions, the losers may get a token that may or may not encourage them to persevere, we have an epidemic of childhood obesity and people want to make sport only for the naturally athletic, then we have a wide variety of sports all looking for the athletic kids. People complain about everybody getting a game as well.
I was naturally sporty, I could turn my hand to anything, I watched hundreds of kids fall away from sports growing up because they had no chance to achieve anything. My own kids arenā€™t like that, but two of them are grinders, theyā€™ve hung in there because they get games and they live the odd medals that they picked up as smallies.
Everybody getting a medal is not a contributor to our suicide statistics

I said too much :persevere:



I had you down as late 40ā€™s :see_no_evil:


Good luck with that @TheUlteriorMotive
Difficult times, my eldest is a ball of anxiety as well, we got her professional help but she wasnā€™t prepared to open up as she needed to. She has her ups and downs now (15, Junior cert) but weā€™re managing as best as we can.
Itā€™s a tough road


Chin up.

I was a right bollocks to handle as a 15 year old without anxiety.


I assume that bloody social media has impacted things?