
Not really to be honest, she has nice friends and she’s a great girl,
Sometimes things get on top of her, hard to explain it, but she’s fine most of the time. She’s full of brains but her school is high pressure,

Covid hasn’t helped obviously, a lot of the normality has been removed from life, difficult when you’re making your way on the world, worse for these kids than for college age IMO


Cheers. Yeah it can be a worry - can just do the best you can by them

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That’s hard going on the kid
Ever try TMS?
TM meditation- worth a try
Will ease anxiety once he gives it time
But it does take time


You still are :rofl:

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The moral panic about young people and social media is a replacement of the moral panic about young people and video games, young people and horror movies, young people and television, young people and rock n’roll etc.

I think it impacts older users as much as it does its younger users. I suppose it’s just that younger people use it that bit more, might have a bit more (time) invested in it, that the stakes are somewhat higher.

I suppose in 20 years time, we will be blaming the robots that kids have in their lives as the reason for their anxieties.

We did some kind of religious in-school retreat thin when we were 16/17 (probably LC year). The crowd running in got into mental health stuff (this was the late 90s), and we were encouraged to share our anxieties and so on. Two girls (both quite balanced I would have thought) shared that they both had suicide attempts (one tried it twice). I was caught completely on the hop that day as it wasn’t something we openly discussed back then. In fairness, nobody brought it up ever again after leaving that classroom that day.

PS I don’t think I’m making any coherent point here about the correlation (if any) between media and anxiety, or about either of them separately. I’m just gone off on a ramble.


I don’t have kids so I can’t comment really on this.

But to me the likes of Facebook and Instagram play on people’s insecurities and teenagers are prime fodder for that in my view.

It shouldn’t be a problem for those who are strong mentally but for others it can’t be very healthy.


This is a great book that everyone can take something from. I have it on audible and listen to random chapters… Highly recommended to everyone here no matter where you’re at in life.


I always wondered how you were so mentally tough, such a strong minded character and independent thinker.

Now I know.


I couldn’t keep it to myself for much longer.

Enjoy it pal.

Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō!

Absolutely. And remember…

Irrumabo Tipperariensi


Mind ye don’t harm yourselves ye delicate bitches.

You should 100% get a professional to talk to him, even to have someone to listen to him and advise you. Well worth the money


Any updates @Spidey ?

Good man Spidey :clap::clap::clap:

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He’s sitting on a bridge skulling cans with the young lad after they sparked out a father son combo down at training earlier .


The outcome we’d all like to hear (as long as spideys young fella is at least 13).



All good this week so far. Young lad is 7. The other guy sits on another table - think they paint again Friday. I’ve told him to be ready for him just in case.


Oh stand up in the middle of the room in front of the rest of the class and the teacher and sock him straight into the gob. 7 years old or not.

Problem solved, you can be garaunteed.

I had a nephew who was getting a bit of a hard time in school off another chap for years. His mother kept telling him he should tell the teacher each time. Teacher and school would pull the other lad up on it in fairness and once or twice parents were notified etc but eventually it’d happen again. He was fierce nervous about going into 6th. He said it usually happened on the yard during games or soccer or whatever. He’d make a mistake and your man would take the piss out of him, how he ran etc or mock him or he’d kick the legs off him “tackling him” when he knew a teacher wasn’t looking and then claim it was an accident, that type of thing.

So anyway the brother puts the foot down the Sunday evening before returning to school with the young lad all anxious about this going on again in 6th. “You’ve tried it your way, it didn’t work, now we’re going to try this way” he says to the wife :laughing: Tells the young lad that at the very first sign of anything happening he had full permission to box the kid straight in the mouth and stand your ground. Don’t worry about being in trouble with the teachers, we’ll sort that out he says, tell them you’re standing up for yourself from now on.

Nothing until the Thursday. The other lad starts mocking him over not passing him the ball and kicks the ball straight at him “by accident”. The young lad walks over and hits him a box. The school were on about suspending him, his mother freaking out. Do whatever ye want to says the brother, but it’ll happen again next week when he’s back if it continues. School didn’t suspend.

He hasn’t had a single issue with the other lad or any of his gang since. “Job is oxo” as a great man once said


The way of the jungle.

Felllas will leave you alone if the they think they’re going to get badly hurt


I told Ben and Jerry, when they were back in primary, that if anyone ever started on them as individuals, that the other one would row in behind straight away. This was to show that if your fucked with one of them you’d have to deal with two of them. They both had full permission to box in the playground if someone started on them.
At the time and even now both of them wouldn’t knock snow off a rope, but it gives them some reassurance at least.