
ā€˜Jesus Christ, why did you hit him?ā€™
ā€˜My dad told me I was to stick up for myself, he said I can hit who I wantā€™

Iā€™ve seen some amount of young fellas walk themselves into trouble this way, and not with the teachers either, counter intuitive in most cases believe me, thereā€™s a time and a place and little boys donā€™t usually get that with a license/pressure to throw boxes.
It might work for some and Iā€™d probably say the same thing if I had boys :grinning:

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I didnā€™t hit many lads when I was younger, and havenā€™t punched anyone since I was 12. I think I told story here before but Iā€™ve a visually impaired cousin. Lived over the road, same age, so was like a brother growing up. When we were younger, some lad hid something on him. Apparently I saw red and hit your man a few dunts. His mother called to the house complaining (she was a right cunt). My mother came up to me asking what the story was. I told her straight out. Grand, says my Mam. Good luck, she says to your manā€™s mother, and it never was spoken about again. If you havenā€™t got your familyā€™s back, youā€™re at nothing.


Paint brush shiv is the solution here Iā€™d say


Pool ball in a sock.

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No more shines Billy.

Well done mam

If the bullying has got to the stage where its a problem and the teacher/school arent able to deal with it because bullies are clever, I think the victim is perfectly entitled to inflict as much physical damage as possible. Do it clever so its your word against his. And do enough damage to leave a permanent impression on the cunt

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Itā€™s the only language bullies understand unfortunately. The fact is most kids dispise the bully and are delighted to see him get his comeuppance.


Was in Westport a few weeks ago and went into SuperValu. Saw a framed photo going in.
Extremely sad as I remembered his wife had died of cancer 7 years ago. He had met someone else but it hadnā€™t worked out.

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I think bullying is one the most misused words in the English language, especially by kids ā€¦I go ballistic when I hear my eldest using it after an interaction in school ā€¦ thatā€™s not to say it doesnā€™t happen but people need to know the consequences for all parties before using the word ā€¦

Interesting to see a teacher say this (arenā€™t you a teacher) and interesting to see nearly all the forum agree with just throwing a bully a punch.

Thatā€™s my thoughts too. My memories of school is youā€™d have 1 or 2 ringleaders leading a line of boys to beat up a weak/timid kid but if the bully wasnā€™t in for a day it just wouldnā€™t happen and the lackies would nearly be happy that they didnā€™t have to go through with it.

Different now though- and physical bullying is easy to sort
My kid is a black belt in Tae kwon do
Physically 6-3
When itā€™s mental / online etc etc and it follows into school itā€™s a whole different animal
Heā€™d have kicked shit out of his bullies but 2 factors stopped him
Main one-
Afraid to tell me as he knew Iā€™d have broken bones and ended up in court
2 nd. - heā€™s not at all like me and is too intelligent to use his fists to sort out hassle

Whole different ball game now, anyone in Cork city/ Derry of my age can attest to the fact that I never shied away from a kicking match
Thankfully my young man is smarter than me fein
Years ago when the school was informed they acted immediately
Kept me updated via call once a week
Watched my kid
Eventually bully got fucked out
( incidentally his mum is a vice principal her self in a school in the northside)


Quite often itā€™s the bullied kid finds it so foreign or scary to return the violence or punch. Theyā€™re not accustomed to it at home, on football pitches, in every day situations.

Letting them know that if it was in their own defence/defence of a pal and if used as a last resort its ok, can still take time for them to be able to carry into action.

Itā€™s a crossing of the Rubicon of sorts throwing that dig with the full intent to hurt.


Our school isnā€™t great at dealing with this stuff to be honest. The little ladyā€™s class is pretty sound but thereā€™s one fella who has caused a lot of problems for years. Spat in her face one day on the way home from school. Does a lot of it on the avenue up to school so the school turn a blind eye. Some kids meet up and walk up together. Itā€™s been going on for years, the school have had various parents contact them about it and nothing has happened. I can understand to be honest cos itā€™s very difficult and itā€™s a can of worms but thereā€™s still been more than enough stuff happened in there for them to take an interest.


I didnā€™t know whether to share this or not but somebody close to me went through this with his youngfella. His kid is really good, bright, funny but shy and sensitive. He is into the aul dancing and drama. He was getting physically and mentally bullied by one little gurrier, theyā€™re 10. It got bad. Not wanting to go to school, anxiety. Child psychologist. School were fucking useless. No proof. Made the kid feel worse. Lost faith in the school.

My man, I grew up with him. Hard but fair. Quiet too.

He found out who the father was. Found out where he drank. A gurrier too, surprise, surprise

Waited outside the pub for yer man, caught him on his own and gave him a few sighters, and put the foot on his neck. Everytime my youngfella comes home crying, youā€™ll get this, and itā€™ll be worse every time. Even if it isnā€™t your little cunt, youā€™ll get it

It stopped straight away.


At post primary, Iā€™d like to see three strikes and recommendation for expulsion. Majority of parents would support this. Schools need to have the will to take hard decisions and follow through. Bullying can do untold damage to the victim. It is one of my greatest fears that one of my girls would be bullied or be the bully.


Any fight I was in at school was a result of me stepping in for someone getting bullied.Funnily enough Iā€™d never stand up for myself. I was in first class and stepped in to protect a lad from one of the bullies. One of his gang pushed me and I hit my eye off the corner of a table. Few stitches but probably saved me from an awful hiding. Stepped in another time against someone from a certain community who was hassling someone. While I got the better of him I had to do a lot of ducking and diving as his family sought retribution. Not worth it imo.

There were 2 bullies in our class and they went at each other one day. Was like watching Tipp and Kilkenny. Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t tackle either of them. The winner was a right nasty fucker. He committed suicide recently.

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Itā€™s great to see that all the lads in here would teach their kid to defend himself against bullies but no-one here has ever had to deal with finding out that their fella was the bully! No-one has ever had other parents come to them complaining about what their lad was getting up to.

How would you deal with that, do you think? Itā€™s all ahead of me.

(Also, there are good tips on how to deal with a bully but no-one here was ever a bully in school. The TFKers were always the bigger man, itā€™s great.)

There is a reason lads bully aswell. They are unhappy with some aspect of their own life. They may be getting a tough time at home etc. You need to tackle the bullying but you need to treat the cause as well as the symptom.


Fucking hell! Youā€™d hope he wasnā€™t too much of a gurrier! That could backfire badly.
Our little lady wasnā€™t in his crosshairs for long at all thank god. It was more incidental to him fancying her I think. Itā€™s the lads that he goes after properly. I know the parents of a couple of them (separate situations, one is in his class and the 9ther gets bullied through the gaa and football teams). Those kids have had a tough time of it and donā€™t want to go to school/training etcā€¦