
Seems the case alright!! Group of little shitbags (16/17 years old) up the road from me. Robbed my kids(13) bike right in front of him in october, wouldnt give back etc. So had a ding dong where id to go down to the green and sort it. Neighbour saw the schmozzle and comes to me a day after and says ā€œim sorry i didnt come to you earlier but I saw 2 of those lads on the roof of your house trying to get inā€ These little scrotes have the old folks and young kids terrorised on the estate, he was too scared to tell me.

Blood boiled, went up to the motherā€™s during the day. She actually laughed in my face when I told her about robbed bike and attempt to break in ā€œNot my Fionn, impossibleā€. I flipped saying I snap his legs if he came near me or mine again. She called the fucking guards! Guards turn up to mine, tell him the story, says sounds like this kid needs a boot up the hole.

Another neighbour comes down. Tells me how she caught this same kid on fucking security camera trying to get into their house. The mother of this Fionn again gives it the ā€œNot my Fionnā€. Thereā€™s actual video fucking evidence and shes still unprepared to accept her angel can do any wrong!

Does the kid no good in the long run. While hes still mostly acting the cunt, soon enough heā€™ll simply be a grown cunt and wont know any different,.


Not a hope Iā€™d hit a fella like that. Iā€™ve never been a fighter. Wish I was more. Was only in a couple of scraps ever really. One with a forumite! And then was semi involved with a good all pitch brawl inspired by a couple of forumites which resulted in a lad from East Wallā€™s sideline running at me and catching me with a football boot to the head (he was swinging it in his arms).
All this excludes family scraps, which there were a few with 5 boys in the house.

Iā€™d probably be more inclined now to hit a fella and take the consequences than I was then, mostly because Iā€™m doing old man boxing training now, under the expert tutelage of a forumite who really knows how to throw a sneaky dig.


I was late reading your posts about you giving your brother a clipping. How did the Christmas dinner go?
Me and one of my brothers never got on. We ended up in a drink induced scuffle outside Supermacs one night. Got up next morning all cuts and bruises. Auld wan asked us were we fighting. We said yeah. She said it was great we stuck up for each other. Some nosey relation stuck their oar in though and put her straight the following week.

Very proud to say both of us are thick as thieves shortly after it all.

To give him his dues, he said to me when looking to make up ā€œone of the best things ive learned off you is thereā€™s nothing that shouldnt be sorted out or thats worth falling out overā€. Took me a lot longer to get that level of maturity and certainly not a trait evident in some of our other siblings so very proud to see that capacity in him already.


Whoā€™s the boxing pro on here?

@the_man_himself has the database open on the laptop, ready to be updated :popcorn:

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Kids these days shout ā€˜bullyā€™ far too quickly, parents tend to believe it and want serious action taken, real bullying isnā€™t as common as youā€™d think in school, some lads are pure bould, some are awful messers, sometimes people get hurt, usually unintended, but before you give your lad license to throw digs youā€™d want to be fairly sure that heā€™s been targeted


Reminds me of a story with my auld lad in early 90s. He got wind that said group of local bullies were going to break into our house while we were gone away on a bank holiday weekend to Clare, like most Limerick folk!
Auld was coming home from work on a Friday and passed them on the road, and stopped the car. Got out and told them he heard they were going to break in to the house over the weekend. They gave him lip etc, you canā€™t say that to kids, weā€™ll call the police etc.
Auld lad called their bluff. Opened the boot and took out a hurley. Told them he was leaving in an hour or so and was coming back on Monday night and whether they break into the house or not, he was going to assume it was one of them, and would break legs. Again, they came out with ā€œweā€™ll call the guards on youā€ etc, and he left them to it. Nothing happened. A lot of mouth out of them, and they could have pucked the auld lad around if they wanted.


Id disagree. Maybe at primary level but there is plenty if it at post primary.

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Probably, I think the conversation here is on 7-10 year olds

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Heā€™s not a boxing pro. More a street fighter, king of the gutter type, a sand in your eye, bite your ear type. SNeaky left hook coming around the back of the boxing bag type. Youā€™d like him.


What would you define bullying as? Schools obviously have definitions of it. I wouldnā€™t agree with it all but sustained and targeted abuse is good enough for me.

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What about bullying in underage GAA by managers?Suffered it myself fairly badly years ago. Everyone got it but i was soft, took it to heart. Think it affected me badly throughout my life as i loved GAA and couldnt understand it. Really affected me confidence wise. My mother tells me the story of coming home from training at 12 in tears as manager called me a spineless coward. I presume it does not happen anymore.


Some amount of Internet hard chaw waffle going on here.


Move along so!

Its fucking tough being a parent. Harder it gets too once theyre off your hip

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Thatā€™s about right,
Iā€™d have had parents onto me about ā€˜bullyingā€™ after isolated incidents where (for example) somebody drew an unflattering picture of them, or ā€˜deliberatelyā€™ doesnā€™t pass the ball to them, the list is endless


Thatā€™s all well and good until you meet someone who has less to lose than you ā€¦ then youā€™ve risked everything for the sake of engaging with a bum .


If a young lad is getting a hard time for 4 or 5 years and isnā€™t alone in that, and all of the efforts of the school have been in vain, then I think itā€™s fair if parents and kids have enough and decide itā€™s time to stand up for yourself.

Again, nobody here is talking about one off or even a couple of incidents. I agree that the term bullying is overused. ā€œTargeted and repeated over a period of timeā€ I think is the terminology, or something like it, isnā€™t it?

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Go way you oul bully

As @tank says we need the bullies input here. Ye know who ye are ye cunts. Donā€™t be shy.

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