
Point me towards that post about you and your brother please, Iā€™ve seen it mentioned here a few times.

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Iā€™d say @Tassotti was a savage bully in primary school before turning his life around and succeeding

Do you know how they do it by any chance?

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Agreed. In which of his lives, though?

Just a story, very relevant here, also shows how hard it is to be expelled.
For those who know where I work youā€™ll know we get some of the hardest cases in Limerick.
Anyway we have a young fella, completely out of control, anyway he messed with the wrong fella last week and got a few dawks for himself, raging. Himself and a few mates beat the shit out of the other lad in town the other day, both now in school and weā€™re waiting for the upshot, the lad that had the crew with him has better ā€˜connectionsā€™ in the real world than the other lad, but this is gonna be a serious inslcident soon enough.
The young fella is completely out of control, Iā€™ve actually never seen the likes, and Iā€™ve seen a lot, he arrived into school one day recently on a bike down to the metal wheels, sparks flying, dropped the bike at the gate (stolen obviously) and strolls in, guards arrive later on but nothing is done, mother and grandmother at the end of their tether, nothing can be done really, bad situation,
Anyway youā€™d want to be careful who your young fella digs


Spot on. It has to be repetitive, not a one-off act of aggression.

In the Xmas thread I think pal. Was just a silly situation over Xmas where the young bull and the older bull had a ding-dong. Younger bull well on his way to being a better bull than older bull. Older bull happy and proud of seeing that come to pass.

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Horsebox loves gossip and these little tidbits. That will make his day.

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The whole feud kicked off cos two girls from respective sides of the Ryan/Collopys were bating lumps out of each other in the schoolyard.

I bullied someone for 2 or so years, I didnā€™t think anything of it at the time but it was a pretty despicable psychological beatdown. We played on the same teams and were the same age.

Things werenā€™t great at home at the time but I never admitted it to anyone, I suppose it was my way of feeling in control.
I didnā€™t consciously go out to do it but anytime I got an opportunity I would belittle him, others would say it to me from time to time but I didnā€™t give a shit and I was well able to stand up for myself if push came to shove so I suppose no one tried too hard.

We went our different ways and that was the end of it, I have apologized since and he is ok with me now. We meet up the odd time for pints and there is no hassle. Not my finest hour though.


Did the Leaving Cert chap make you eat the biscuit then?


No hope for those lads . Parents donā€™t know how to deal with them .everyoneā€™s hands are tied . Let them become what they destant to be .

And You canā€™t have two bulls in the one field

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That seems like a good way to deal with it and create a positive culture in the school.

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Very common. Donā€™t beat yourself up about it. You did the right thing in the end.

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Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s my post that kicked off this discussion but I think people have maybe missed the point or else confused matters a little.

The example I mentioned I think stemmed from the parents not allowing their kids get their communion.

Imo the parents are wrong here anyway. They are seriously anti religion now but imo they should swallow their own pride and just let the kids have a day out. Itā€™s totally meaningless in the long run.

They would be alternative types anyway no tv in the house, no mobile phones etc etc and the kids are definitely different to your average child so I presume theyā€™d stuck out before this too.

They had created a massive target on their kids backs imo. They live in a fairly rural part of Ireland too which I assume religion is a bit of a bigger deal than in the cities and town. Reading between the lines it hadnt gone down well with the teacher as well. I think itā€™s more of a case of being left out than any sort of physical intimidation.

Different times. Itā€™s a lawsuit waiting to happen now.

It still happens. Just not as often. Thereā€™s child protection courses now that coaches have to do and any club worth itā€™s salt filters out the gobdaws. But you still come across the odd one.

Sure thatā€™s the way the world is gone , parents wonā€™t let their children get holy communion but they have no problem injecting them with a new vaccine that lasts 3 months when their child is practically immune from covid. 20 yearā€™s time will tell weā€™ll see who was right.

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*Sometimes all memories seem to get lost.

Itā€™s like theyā€™re on fire and even trying to get back to them is pointless

It seems, now, looking back on it there were two kinds of people

Who you wanted to be and never were, and the good ones you ignored for too long then it was too late

One day an older boy came up to him and looked him up and down

Returning to his crowd they all laughed like crows as the older boy ridiculed the kid

He remembered that day the rest of his life

For all that time he kept on wanting to join the laughing crowd of crows*

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