
My memory of my school is of everything being kicked on down the line. A pretty shit culture. Older students donā€™t have to be given carte blanche to bate younger younger ones but being encouraged to police and prevent bullying and stand up for weaker kids would have all kinds of positive effects, to my uneducated eye.


I can guarantee you that 99% would have reacted just as you did. Violence should always be a last resort, and used primarily to escape an acute or ongoing situation.
Bullies are usually thugs rather than cowards. They do prefer an easy target, but it may well take a few retaliations (and shipping a few beatings) before they move on. I think of it as like a nettle. You could pull it out of the ground at your leisure, but if you know itā€™s going to sting, youā€™ll pull up something else instead.
Hardest man I ever knew said he only ever hit someone to escape a situation.
Run, always run away, he said, unless youā€™re surrounded, then hit whoever is between you and escape hard as you can, and then run.
Any fight I was ever in, I felt worse if I won than if I lost. Fighting isnā€™t in some folk, or itā€™s a lot further from the surface at least.


That goes on though buddy system and mentoring but you canā€™t have a nod and wink culture allowing lads to take it upon themselves to stamp out bullying. They dont want the responsibility and its not their place.

Systems up above help to identify cases of bullying. School needs to step up to plate then.

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The majority of people here if theyā€™re honest were both bullied and did the bullying themselves at some stage in their youth ā€¦


This is the conversation we need to have. @PasqualePaoli our only honest poster.

@Perez2017 thatā€™s one of the worst stories Iā€™ve heard. What a thing to say to a wee fella. Was this cunt very well connected with the club hierarchy?

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That is a fair assessment. I know I would have taken the piss out of one lad in particular on the bus home, more slagging than physical, but it still wasnā€™t right. I did it because I got away with it I suppose. That and one other bloke who whenever I see him, he salutes me, but probably thinks Iā€™m a prick. It was more ribbing him because of his weight, nothing physical, but still wrong to do.

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Did you bone her afterwards ?

I was a f**ker for slagging in secondary school. Iā€™d say thereā€™s a few lads from then who would have called it bullying. I even used to take piss out of Paschal Donoghue and his lisp and he was 3 years ahead of me.


Nah, her kid threatened to bate me


Slagging within your own cohort of pals is fine. Slagging those outside, not so fine. One ladā€™s banter is another ladā€™s bullying.

Itā€™s a minefield. All you can do is try and develop empathy in young people. Easier said than done.


Cheers for that pal Iā€™ll look forward to reading that later now. I love reading bits of gossip.


If your child is being severely hurt you really havenā€™t much more to lose really have you?

Lads like @Fagan_ODowd wouldnā€™t know what the love for your own would drive you to so will farm cheap likes off here.

Your livelihood and your liberty.

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rather that than lose my child

Well a lot of people have other dependants and responsibilities that they need to take into account before flying off the handle.

Iā€™m not advocating it. Iā€™m relating what happened in this particular persons situation, he felt he had no other choice because the school were doing fuck all and his young lad was in a very bad way over it. He took the risk and it paid off.

You donā€™t have to be such a prick about it, Uncle Fester

I was subjected to a bit of a pile on here a while back, it was nasty business but I was strong enough to move above the bullying. Iā€™d imagine others may not be so strong.

Look out for yourselves, and each other.

Peace and love guys.


You also handed out some of the nastiest stuff ever written on here to some posters. Bizarre stuff.

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Peace and love my friend. I forgive those who trespass against us.

Yeah, this kind of stuff, but it wouldnā€™t have been friends. I would have known them, but kind fell in with the baying crowd.