
I gave awful guff to Johnny Arse.


There’s no need to be so abusive.

fair game if you’re calling me a liar bud.

That’s the way it is, is it?


you snide on there pal.

He was, his offspring were serious operators so a blind eye had to be turned. Got the bullet eventually but 20 years too late for me. He bullied everyone but i suppose i took it very much to heart.

Well you’re not a coward. Or anything else he called you… I’ve seen you go toe to toe with Limerick GAA supporters on here. Only a few brave souls would even contemplate doing it. Fuck him and his hatred. Don’t let it dictate your life or self worth.

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The present moment is a beautiful moment.



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Do you still play? It can be very disheartening being criticised at underage level and can cause lads to wander away from the game but the rewards arrive at adult level when you can find your own level. Whether that be on the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd team if you’re playing for a bigger club.

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debatable. I mentioned it on here previously, but a case not far from me here. 2 girls in a school. A bit of bullying, the extent of which I dont know, but we’re talking 8 years old. Father of girl being bullied went to the parents house with a hammer and threatened the mother. He’s now awaiting trial, looks likely he will get a jail sentence. His wife has left him, her and the daughter moved away, the house is for sale currently. I’d know the father of the girl accused of the bullying. Decent fella. I couldnt see why it couldnt be resolved properly.

So yes, there is a lot to lose over it. It can go badly, badly wrong and make the situation a million times worse. What if the father of the bullied kid got a bating? Sets it up for more abuse on the bullied kid then.


Not sure if it’s a country/Dublin divide but I went to a fairly rough school in Dublin and the approach of just hit the bully one good punch and job is done would absolutely not fly in my old place, not with the serious bullies. I wouldn’t even call them bullies, pure thugs from families of scum. If you stood up to them, grand you might deck them in a one on scrap in the yard but then they and their scum mates would get you after school or on the road or down the football pitch. I saw it in particular with this one toerag, a shortarse who’d give everyone grief but we all knew he was connected, people actually pretended he was ‘sound’ that was the word used for the little prick. Anyway one day in 3rd year he was doing the usual, giving someone abuse and the other fella decked him good and proper. Fight broken up both sent home for the day. Anyway shortarse scum and a couple of his pals arrived on mopeds and gave the other lad an absolute hiding on the way home from school a couple of days later. There was no moral victory there. Thankfully all the scum/bullies never returned after junior cert. But there was no room for the noble bully as described a lot in this thread who’d fuck off after a dig, don’t know maybe that was a good thing, generally I can’t recall anyone receiving years of mental torture or daily beatings, it was just the few scum ruling the roost and most trying to stay out of their way. Not sure if any other Dublin posters would have experienced similar.


I found a lot or rugby jocks behaviour in school, and jocks in general, crossed over into bullying. Including some of the hallowed 3 in a row Limerick under 21 hurlers. (A drinking team with a hurling problem)
Oddly enough I knew a few lads in school who were total scumbags outside of school, robbing, and burning shite out, getting suspended regularly etc but were sound playing football or in school. As long as you didn’t cross them!

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I had words with a lad before thought nothing more of it . The next day after school I had 20 lads with golf clubs waiting outside the school gate for me . And none of these lads golfed .


Pretty much what it was like in my school. Some real lowlifes rather than bullies tho some of the hangers on were cunts you’d crush but couldn’t… Couple have passed and a few more in jail since.

TFK is reflective of society as a whole I would say. Numerous quibbles that end up requiring e-punches and any amount of ongoing battles. You’d have to feel for @Rocko and @Bandage who are essentially the principal/vice-principal pairing on here tasked with keeping order in a wild e-classroom full of vastly contrasting opinions.


Saw it firsthand in Brasov Romania :romania:
My ex was literally terrified on the tram as a nimble fingered gypo deftly put his little fingers in her coat pocket, she was sitting I was standing , sham got nothing and calmly walked on - she just said let it go as they’re were a few of them I was seething but no one killed
One and only time I saw crime in action in that part of Ro

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I don’t intervene in any of the rough stuff, it’s usually very entertaining. I’d only get involved if someone was displaying bad grammar or mixing up there/their or being/been. But I’d let it fly if somebody was getting a psychological pummelling or being branded a paedo, or something like that.


it must have been hell growing up in the Dublin projects.

That’s where the wurled famous Dublin wit comes from pal