Super Blues RIP (For at least 2020 anyway)

Why has Limerick not produced more good soccer players . Cork ( granted a bigger city) and Waterford have produced a lot more in the last say 25 years .

The junior game and schoolboy clubs produce numbers but when you consider Senior internationals , pros across the water or even top LOI players the city lags behind .

Soccer in the city has bigger numbers than rugby and hurling combined .

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i was just trying to say how good my nephew is really… I thought @anon78624367 Would be the one to have a go, not a few of the others

Tis all rubby in Limerick

It isn’t really

im not sure if that’s the specific game in question here tho as the game was played in Sligo
these specific instances deal with a team playing at home - you can make up your own mind as to who the away side were

The majority of the bets which Powers took on Sligo -2 were placed in Limerick shops and a few also in Clare according to my sources.

When I read Home fans that’s what came into my head first. Powers haven’t paid out on this game anyway.

The story getting the Paul Reynolds treatment (i.e. stern serious voice) on Radio 1 shortly :woozy_face:

I can confirm that all phones were taken off all players. 15 GardaĂ­ in attendance. Each player was interviewed.

If I were you I’d fuck your phone into the Shannon.

Would the Guards be able to get that broad a warrant that they can just take everyone associated with the clubs phone?
I’d have thought they’d have had to have some chief suspects first.
What good is a phone to them anyway? Presumably they need it unlocked and presumably you can refuse?

Straight into EIR/Vodavone and report it stolen and to lock it out

Police in the US can’t hack a phone and even if they could it can’t be used as evidence without them having had cause to trawl your phone, so I very much doubt Jim Guard can manage it

Young lads going out to America on holiday visas often get their phone searched

Yes but they can legally refuse, they have no right to check your phone. Of course they can legally refuse to let you in too so you have to do what they say but it’s a bit different to what we are talking about

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What about older lads? -

they get more than their phone searched.

Investigation doesn’t relate to a first team match…

They’ll be lads frantically checking WhatsApp on their life partners/family members phone to see if their own WhatsApp status has been online anytime since the phone was seized…