Super Blues RIP (For at least 2020 anyway)

Are they officially gone?

They won’t be granted a license for the new season unless they can bring in some new investment. They’ll need to prove that the issues regarding payments of players wages/expenses won’t happen again. Not much they can do about the match fixing though. :man_shrugging:

Limerick seemed to have slipped through the net with regards getting a license last year :see_no_evil:

Junior soccer is king in Limerick… They’re very clannish and parochial


Donkey Ford’s and Fusco’s reported to be devastated with the news.

I’d say he was over to Fuscos at Half Time

Was decent for the club tho, likeable guy too.

I wonder are the boys over in Asia going investing :slight_smile:

Potentially a big day for the club.

Case number 3 today in Ennis Courthouse sees Munster Football Club Limited trading as Limerick FC appear before the courts for an update on the status of their examinership.


It’s time LOI soccer was let die in town. The appetite isn’t there for it.

Can’t be true mate, there was a massive bandwagon for it not so long ago, few lads on here lead a charge to Donegal and all.

I think they’ll need to let this version die and launch a new club from scratch altogether

Didn’t they try that with Limerick 37, and Limerick United.

There’s no appetite for it. Sure the better players in town are getting more money off junior clubs and don’t have to travel to fucking saint Mel’s of a wet Friday evening.

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They’d get a thousand a week handy enough if it was done right. Enough to build a base for the club and the academy and keep itself ticking over without doing anything mental

How come no one has managed this so far though? I’d be all for having a team there (admittedly work would see me getting to very few games) but at what point does it just become a failed experiment? Soccer in Limerick still seems to very strong but having a LOI team there just doesnt seem to be working

Basically every League of Ireland club is run at a loss. Don’t think there are any clubs who have the attendances to pay a full-time squad. European revenues help but there is no TV money or prize money worth talking about.

Pat just ran out of money.

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They just need to live within their means. Pat spunked a small fortune against the wall. The team went basically amateur for a finish this season and still held their own in division one. A few years of consolidating there and build a base and then look at trying to get up

You are probably right, but is it worth having an amateur team with no support just for the sake of it? It becomes pointless if fellas can get more playing for a local side rather than the LOI side.