Super Bowl LIX- The slippery slope to the Superdome

Black men driving a fast supercar is like a red rag to the bull that is your average donut munching American pig.

Having said that, Hill does seem to be a bit of a scumbag judging from past actions.

It’s a military force, not a police force.

Fuck about…

Tuna giving an exhibition of picks in the opening quarter.

Tyreek hill detained again

by the bills D

fins were woeful and Tua threw like he was concussed before he was concussed trying to get an extra yard when he had the first

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What the fuck was Tua up to,.Hamlin was probably expecting him to slide.

He shouldn’t come back after that on top of the previous hits to the head. That’s one of the nastiest concussions ive seen

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The two spongiest objects in the NFL collide.

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Easy for you to say when you don’t have him in 5 fantasy leagues

Ouch. I avoid fantasy i dont have time to invest to be shit :see_no_evil::joy:

He was gone before he hit the ground. Very hard to watch how his body went as he hit the ground. Theres brain injury in that alone

I have Tuna and Deshaun on one team ffs

Too many games on

Derek Carr is a bomb-throwing gunslinger now :man_shrugging:t2:

Redzone is the only option this evening.

Lovely madness from the Lions

Right said Fred

Cowboys are shite

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Getting a spanking alright…and not in a good way!

Derek Carr is the GOAT