Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona



It was the greatest catch in history


Good catch but Beckham against the Cowboys was far better in every way

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+1. Astonishing athleticism

Easily the greatest catch ever

Absolutely. Caught for a touchdown, was fouled while doing so and grabbed it with only a few fingers.


Going with Pickens.

Making it a TD has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

Nor is being fouled, WRs are fouled on 99.9% of plays just most are let go.

Nonsense, of course it does.

It adds nothing to a catch

I dislike OBJ as much as the next guy but I think a few of ye need to watch his catch again.

OBJ’s all day and twice on a Sunday

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No one said it wasn’t an amazing catch kid, relax. Pickens’ was just better.

Different strokes for folks I guess…

Kyle Hayes’ one where he went through the back of Joe Canning, hands down

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Lads would argue absolutely anything, it was nowhere near as good as Beckham’s

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Your opinion is king is it? It’s twice the catch.