Super Bowl LVIII - Viva Las Vegas 🐐

Have you been? Probably just there watching Dublins own Conor McGregor getting put on his hole. The countryside around it is amazing. But the decent rural people wouldn’t have much time for your kind.

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Vegas is surrounded by some of the most gorgeous countryside on earth. Grand Canyon, Zion National Park or Death Valley all a short (by US standards) drive away. It’s stunning

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An amazing part of the world. Bisto/Scumpot went to mcgregor then to New York New York, talked to no one, toured nowhere. But thinks he did Vegas.

Do Yosemite the next time, a bit of a drive but worth every minute.

Been there. Jaw dropping

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I’d rank them

Grand Canyon
Glacier (Montana)

Gonna do Yellowstone and grand teton, then the other three in utah, this year


I’ve only been to Yosemite out of all the natural attractions mentioned here but it is stunning.



No they’re not
Campbell is clearly a great coach but an occasional bone headed play caller, they’re not where they are today because of bad play calls

Looks like Purdy came up trumps last night. Bang of an underdog about him and I’ll be following him from here on in.


Cant believe I went to bed on that :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:
The difference between Purdy and Lamar Jackson when the going gets tough is fairly pronounced anyway. Purdy just knuckles down, doesn’t take any unnecessary risks and tries to do the basics well.

they overachieved this year and are ahead of where they thought theyd be but they still have draft capital and cap space IIRC and campbell is a good coach and a fantastic motivator. the lions will be back next year, wiser and stronger

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Difference with Purdy is hes willing to put it all on the line. There is an honesty of effort there and he doesnt seem to wilt (small sample size I know). He ran with abandon at times diving head first. He stood in the pocket and made a completion to Deebo when he knew he was going to get plastered by that lineman but he was willing to take the hit. Lamar on the other hand was making business decisions going down or sliding when he could have eked out 2 or 3 extra yards to make it 3rd and manageable at times. He was airmailing passes when the blitz was coming. There is no doubt teammates are emboldened when they see bravery and leardership like Purdy showed. Everyone responded and energy in the building changed. You cannot but be happy for him. Spagnola will have a plan A B and C for him. Different schemes and looks but for now fair fucks to Purdy.


Morons was over the top I suppose (especially seeing as I know very little about the sport)

But I don’t think you can decouple that aggressive play calling from the aggressive persona that’s made them so good

Lets go Chefs.

Let Mahomes cook.

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Wow. Some leap there pal. You’re a gas man.

be great to take in a Clemson game

Just looked at the official highlights there. Like lads have said, Purdy was brilliant, a real leader. Lamar could learn a thing or two.

Us Niners will be the underdogs going into the SB, but that’s the way we like it.

Let’s go Niners!

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Said the Chargers in 2008 and Jaguars in 2017/2018. Things change quickly in the NFL

Lamar hasn’t the moxy upstairs… While the Chiefs did a great job on man coverage the mofo has the legs to keep plays open until his receivers invariably got open. They needed to get OBJ involved way earlier instead of putting it all on the rookie flowers… Lamar then just panicked when his first couple of reads weren’t open to him… A complete meltdown. The Ravens D were actually pretty good second half… Mahomes didn’t do a lot, tho it helped they only had to manage the clock for most of the 4th.

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The taunting call was huge, and the fumble on the goal line

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