Super Bowl LVIII - Viva Las Vegas 🐐

Rhys what’s his name won’t be near an active roster come Halloween.

None of us have, kid.

Each team is allowed carry an international player on their practice squad without it counting against the overall roster - pretty much a free spot

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Didn’t realise that

They can elevate them to the 53 man roster without using a spot 3 times during the season I believe. It’s an absolute no brainer to carry an IPP player for marketing in the country alone

Is that Parsons??

He was part of the GGA/GPA delegation that visited Pittsburgh Steelers during the St Patrick’s Day/Week celebrations/engagements. That looks like Neil McManus too. The junket also took in Washington DC.

Some fucking Craic. Very useful to the average gpa member^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1773747365842682247|twgr^e1ef94bb54c6def901a01373e216a76af7f85f62|twcon^s1_&

Welcome to NOLA Charlie :clap:

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A Division 3 inter-county Gaelic footballer and a
Welsh rugby player, both of whom took up the sport about 6 weeks ago are now on the rosters of NFL franchises. Fair play to them for mastering the skills of the sport so quickly to play at the highest level.

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Lads would lose their minds on here if it was happening in rugby.

Indeed. There’s been plenty of comment here about the odd case of a late developer to rugby who makes it to international level in about 6 years from taking up the sport. This is a whole different level. If I had my time over again and was 25-30 years younger, I’d be very tempted to take 6 weeks out and make it in the NFL.


Afl players were doing it 30 years ago mate

What position would you go for?

Wow. That came out of nowhere.

You came out of nowhere.

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In a time of celebration and positivity, why do some folks always have to see a negative angle?