Tailteann Cup - The new Tommy Murphy

Seeded Champions League format with 32 teams is the way to go. Play the provincials in the Spring as warm ups in whatever format generates enough games, scrap the League.

It’s a thundering disgrace that this muck is being televised live. Speaking of thunder(ing), the storm in Dublin is the only reason I’m at home to watch it.

Did Laois masters go straight from Russell park yesterday to play this?

House private

Reminiscent of chipp v offaly

7-13 to 0-8 after 53 minutes.

I know it’s against forum rules to mention the score during a game but it’s worth recording here.

Can Laois pivot?

Somehow the Dublin game wasn’t rock bottom. I’m not sure how. It’s not a slight on a very very good Down team, but this has to be the moment. Either die or start to enact change.

Laverty wants 10 it seems.

He’ll get it too

Any chance someone might try getting booked?

If it weren’t for them 8 goals this would be a good game

A ten goal thriller at HQ

Passing through the airport and thought it was gone to penos as I wasn’t following it and Laois had a peno. No, Down have scored 8 (eight) goals

A horror alright

Finally, a yellow card

Mickey Quinn and Raymond Galligan

When was the last time a senior team in both codes scored 8 goals in a competition?

Lovely fisted point by Down to round off the scoring.

Laois v Cork will be top 3 I reckon

Cork scored 10 in the hurling one year. Wexford scored 12 in the hurling.

Oh I fucking remember