
I’d imagine that’s an awful position to be in? If you accidentally hurt one of them you’d be the worst in the world.

A good teacher can literally be the makings of a person but some of the shit they’ve to deal with now would frighten a lot of good people away (I’d imagine).


That sounds like the most plausible scenario

I was just about to post about this Cauli. I’ve a slightly different version of the story.

This Covid story, the shit food post and the assault video all happened this week in St Oliver’s Drogheda. The covid story I heard is that there was a teacher tested on Saturday, came into work for the start of the week anyway and now got a positive test rest. 25 teachers got messages on the app telling them to self-isolate and then the HSE rang them up saying only 4 of them had to self-isolate (because they’re essential teachers not non-essential members of the Cabinet). But the long and the short of it is that all the junior cycle in the school is now suspended for a while. There may also be kids faking covid, I’d be surprised if there isn’t in fact, but I heard the positive covid case was a teacher and it’s definitely a positive test. I also heard that it’s a massive school with over 1000 students and 100 teachers and 30 of those teachers are now off with covid related issues, they’re dropping like flies.

Whatever the story, it’s been a bad week for St Ollies Drogheda.

Sounds like some zoo.

Final comment: I’m not really surprised at any of the stuff in this thread today, Drogheda is an absolute fucking kip, worst place in Ireland probably.

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This is all correct

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My bessier was teaching in Luton and had a knife pulled on him by a pupil he told to stop swinging on the lights, along with the nonchalant line “and what the fuck are you gonna do about it paddy?”

Yes it’s a fucking disgrace little tramp needs dawked all over the shop

I’ve never seen anything like that before. I’m not sure how they’re going to deal with that. Very disheartening and shocking behaviour. I hope the poor woman is ok. She was put down very forcefully. When did this happen?


Lads would be getting “nice posts” on the ravenous thread for that.


In the good old days this fella would be bet up and down the corridors by one of the teachers for this kind of craic.

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I presume the teacher who was tested and didn’t wait for results has been fired?


Not at all they’re probably giving him a rise

Are you listening to Claire Byrne @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy :laughing:

Are the teachers looking for extra holidays?

A principal is going to spend her mid term sourcing hand sanitiser for her school at a time when she badly needs a break.

Done fuck all since March and badly needs a break :laughing:



They live in a bubble.

Email all parents. Please send a bottle of sanitiser in little Johnny/Janes schoolbag for them to use.

Mountain out of molehill.

This country used to get on with things.

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The usual old ignorant sheep looking for some backup,


Did ASTI issue industrial action ballot papers this week?

Teachers will probably bin them as they cannot drive to Newry to do the Christmas shopping.