
Actually the kids here have been bringing their own hand sanitizer to school since September.

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Job done for her.

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Spoiled it with his first sentence for me. He can keep his sanitisers thank you very much.


My kids have too.

I’m pretty sure a lot of the hand sanitizer used in garages and shops is watered down.

Any of the stuff we buy for home is kinda like a gel, it has a bit of substance.

A few shops and garages then it comes out watery and wouldn’t be as pungent

Aiden is a CEO with Children.

Well done Aiden.

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a mighty sound gesture.

of course the tfk hard chaws skip that and are looking for a few handy likes


No, it’s baaahhhh.

Mighty sound bit of advertising

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clever and it’s quid pro quo. Another guy getting it done

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Sure it won’t be long until he posts it as an anecdote on LinkedIn and everyone will be castigating him.

I expect to be shot down but I’ll speak honestly

That was the toughest half term I’ve put down by a distance. That’s partly because I have some very challenging behaviour in my class which is exhausting
But more so because there’s not an awful lot of craic in it this year, the bubbles mean there’s very little contact with anybody else in the school, we’re lost king at each other all day, break times are generally the same every time, same people doing the same things, I barely interact with any of my colleagues,
I find it very difficult right now, but I”d still rather be back in school on Monday week, the home schooling is really shit though we’re much better set up for it now with google classroom, we’ve spent considerable time ensuring the kids are proficient in he event of closure, the mood today in school would suggest that it is quite likely the kids won’t be in school on Monday week , though nobody knows anything more than what’s been in the news


You can make up for it with your summer holidays.

I can’t imagine it was easy but fair fucks to you for your part in getting the schools back up and running and keeping them running

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Thanks for all your hard work @backinatracksuit , you’ve been made a front-line worker against your will for no extra money. People clapping nurses for looking after empty hospitals, you’re not even allowed contact-trace. Your profession has been made into the national toilet, it’s an absolute fucking disgrace. I only hope you can escape with your life from this very deadly virus.

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he could have made a might sound gesture without looking for likes and retweets on twitter.

Using the shortage as an opportunity to gain market space… give them a free bottle for now and they’ll be buying them for years.

Is it me you are classing as a TFK hard chaw?

Thanks mate, I’m just going my job, often times I’d do it for nothing but I feel like I’m earning my (paltry) wages this year

Keep it up. We need ye open.

No schools no party