

Fuck me… She’ll never teach again after that I’d say and who could blame her. The little fuck should be prosecuted, expulsion will do little there you’d imagine.


Will she get a 6 figure compensation sum?

At least he was wearing a facemask.

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Teenagers nervously giggling isn’t that surprising. Not emotionally equipped to react the way an mature adult would to such an occurance. Unless they are all proper psyhcos.

Although sometimes you’d see adults nervously laughing at something also when it’s the last thing they should do.


You’d wonder who was the first person to come to to her aide? Was it a student or another teacher? Surely to fuck one of the students helped her after your man walked away. Horrowing to think if she couldn’t get up and nobody helped her

Doesn’t sound like nervous giggling, they’re laughing, seems like they’re loving it, girls as well.
Fucking hell I’m a bit the worse for having seen that. I’ve seen and been assaulted in school but for a big lad to do that to a female teacher is shocking



Was this in Drogheda ??

Mate of mine is a teacher in Drogheda. He’s wondering if it’s fake. I dont think it could be.

It’s a very disturbing video but I wouldn’t be too worried about the giggles, there’s a bit of natural disbelief at what happened, also the other kids are all shit scared of that lad, they have to be friends to his face but they’ll fucking shank him and be rid of him the second they can do it safely.

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The poor young fella was being forced to read To kill a Mockingbird and he felt racially distress. He can do what he wants.


It was

Would you be entitled to defend yourself in that scenario?

If you didn’t you could be killed.

That’s absolutely shockin

If that’s not a jailable offence nothing is

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It looks like the person gets up quite quickly. Is it a teacher or another student wearing a jacket? Either way that student should face serious punishment. Very malicious by them and the students recording it.

I’d ate that


Ok folks

A friend of mine’s Mrs works in the school. She’s actually out, as are 25 members of staff at the moment, due to a COVID scare. It’s an enormous school, with approximately 1200 students I think.

Amyay, his word back on it is that apparently that’s two students faking it, and both got suspended afterwards


I don’t think that exact situation would ever arise with a male teacher, but if he tried to throw me to the ground like that he’d see a lot more resistance, I’d certainly be entitled to use whatever force I can to restrain him, but if he fucked me onto the ground like that and didn’t come for more I suppose I’d be expected to stand up and get on with it,
He’s an awful coward though and I hope he gets his comeuppance, as a male teacher you’d always be getting between lads having a scrap and you’d take a few boxes, I’ve never been hurt but colleagues have been given awful treatment, including a good pal of @caulifloweredneanderthal who I see is responding as well

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The same lad did a fair bit of martial arts back in the day too :grimacing: He’s told me bout getting a few belts and kicks but hasn’t gone into much detail. Think he did his best ever summit of keeper one evening after one such incident

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