
Kids need to be in school. Full Stop

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I think it’s a losing battle though.

It possibly is. There is a growing mood online (admittedly from places like journal.ie comment sections) that they need to shut. Each to their own but I think that would be the final nail in the coffin for society. The last bit of normality would be gone from kids lives.

I think if that happened, we really would need to have a discussion about what we are trying to achieve here and where this is all going because that’s a monumental price to pay


The same people calling for schools to close are the same moaning about the airports and young people having house partys. Teachers themselves for the most part want to stay in school. The unions are making noise, probably looking for money as usual

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Aodhan got absolutely filleted on NewsTalk this morning.

Damn right

Fair play to them

Teachers seek ‘morale boosting’ early Christmas holidays to reduce Covid risks

A very worthwhile proposal. As my local TD Aodhán O’Riordáin said, it would also mean kids would be out of school for a week before seeing Nana and Grandad at Christmas, thus reducing the COVID-19 transmission risk. A win win.


Have many schools closed or teachers bailed out? I don’t think they have. I’m very surprised it hasn’t been a much bigger issue tbh

The teachers have done really well in general in very difficult conditions


You can’t make it up. The teaching unions are going rouge lately

You are making that up.


Some essential workers fighting to be able to carry their unused holidays forward to next year and teachers looking for an extra few days :man_shrugging:



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So why are public sector workers, rte staff etc on full pay while we’re all in this together?

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Are you on full pay?

Well red is the colour of the labour movement

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I seen a principal on Twitter yesterday saying that class sizes are very high for this time of year compared to others as kids are social distancing and washing their hands more often and using sanitizer.Usually there’s be loads of kids out with colds/flu etc.


It also means working parents will have to take holidays or unpaid leave so the teachers can get in a bit of Xmas shopping

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