
UK’s education system is dire, far below the standard of the Republic

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No. Don’t know where you got that from

Well that took a turn.

with regards to @backinatracksuit point about state help, it is in the Republic at least, where he teaches in that disadvantaged areas are designated Deis schools and get free lunches. this is a very widespread set up and not only is in disadvantaged areas but in a number of other schools also. I also dont see a widespread coercion of teachers wanting to get presents in lieu of a child going hungry.


I got it from here, where you said it

As for the blaming teachers bit, I got that from here

So your whole point is teachers are pressuring hungry, poor kids into buying them Christmas presents. The school system must be really fucked up North if this is what’s happening

If you cant grasp the concept that some kids and parents are put under pressure by the practice then that’s your problem.

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Some kids and parents are put under pressure by any practice. Especially around Christmas. It’s not the teachers fault, or the schools.

If they had donations in lieu of presents that would also put people in certain situations under pressure.

Unless you have a zero presents policy/no donations - for all - this will be an issue.

Similar to some kids having nicer shoes than others - or do you want all kids to have to wear a standard shoe going into school?

Are schools that bad in the North you want to cancel Christmas?

As an aside, things must be fundamentally changed, I went to an inner city school and if you gave the teacher a present you would have got the absolute fuck kicked out of you

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@Corksfinedtboy There’s a lad here who thinks kids accept second hand shoes because their own aren’t nice enough.
You literally couldn’t make it up.

now you’re being willfully thick. Amazing how things go

You’ve made up your mind about me and a number of educational issues, I don’t know what made your mind up or how I’ve across as sanctimonious but that’s your prerogative.
Anybody who knows my circumstances, and there are quite a few here, will know that I work with some of the most disadvantaged kids in Ireland, that’s not even hyperbole, it’s true, you deciding that I don’t care about their welfare is your own business.
I went to disadvantaged schools, I’ve lived around it all my life, insult me all you want but I have an idea of what I’m talking about.
Bizarre attack, is it because I referred to token present as 2euro presents??

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I think that was your “let them eat cake” moment

how? I didn’t mention anything about second hand shoes! That was you

For an auld hysterical chap, you’re awful argumentative. Strange.

Take on one of the knuckle draggers take them all on

You were being a sanctimonious prick and you were being a sanctimonious prick on purpose. I made a simple point, you took exception to it, now you’re digging yourself in deeper while blowing about how great you are, yet again.

I believe it’s unethical for teachers to take presents from kids, for obvious reasons. You’ve either made it about yourself or claimed that the presents in general cost 2 euro. That’s obviously bullshit.

Sorry then, I felt the crux of your point was about kids coming to school hungry and nothing being done about it,
That’s a very serious point, the presents seemed like a throwaway remark, I didn’t realise it was the main issue,
I have never received an expensive Christmas present in my job,
You repeatedly insult me here, cast aspersions at my character in regards to child welfare and expect me to suck it up??

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I made a point about teachers and presents. You dismissed it as silly. I called you a sanctimonious prick. Whether you received an expensive present or not is beside the point.

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you made a point about teachers and presents and said charitable donations in lieu would solve the problem

they wouldn’t. Problem still exists.

Teachers aren’t to blame for some kids being poor and others not being poor.


yeah because kids are renowned for their anonymity

should the principals and teachers do a credit check to ensure they aren’t asking people who can’t afford it to make these anonymous donations? The ask puts pressure on kid.

You’ve solved nothing except getting a dig in at teachers and one in particular. You’ve awful scarring left over from it I’d say

You insist on making generalisations about the specific field that I work in, without speaking of myself and my colleagues I don’t know how I can engage,
Again I felt the issue of kids coming to school hungry was the more serious of your initial points,