
On that point alone, do many kids come into to school hungry? Surely they should be taken off the parents if that’s the case. There’s more than enough social welfare to feed children.

There is nothing lads won’t argue about on tinternet

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It’s genuinely impressive how you can simultaneously get your beak stuck in everything and contribute nothing.

By God. I’ve gone from not being a teacher to being scarred by being a teacher in the space of a morning. Quite the career I’ve had.


I’ll try to be more hysterical

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Have you tried Kerry?

You told me you were a teacher in the meantime.

Take the broader view, try being objective.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

@Raylan jumping in for the beaky cunts who say nothing :smiley:

You’ll carry that albatross forever

I’m more comfortable with the weight of it than a lot of you lads seem to be.

I hope my kids are fortunate enough to have a teacher like @backinatracksuit.

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It’s a weird place this place sometimes! Both posters seem to.come.from a similar position. Both share concern for school kids and both put no value in Xmas presents to the teacher.

Yet it’s nunchuks at noon inside here.



@Gman I hope your sport-averse principal is also held.to account for the factional warring she has caused on the internet.

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Lovely little tap in there.

It wouldn’t be a big problem to be honest, in the DEIS schools they know that they’ll be looked after, they’ll get a good breakfast and lunch,
If a child says they’re hungry at half 9 I’ll have a chat and arrange for them to get some toast.
But it’s not a huge issue, even in the case of severe neglect the kids will usually be able to stuff something into themselves before going out the door.

I’ve tried to be civil @LionelRitchie, this is an odd little crusade

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TBF, you have. And at most turns, you remain courteous where perhaps the same not being afforded to you and others would bite back. In this instance tho, think its more down to misinterpretation than any real bone of contention.

That and the fact @glenshane is an UUCOAM…

If sneering and casually dismissing the discomfort and sense of shame some children feel makes you civil then so be it