
Did about half the eldest lads (senior infants) work today and submitted it and fucked off to the beach (within 5km) from 10-12 and himself and his brother spent about an hour climbing around on sand dunes and rocks. Teacher sent a message to say she was delighted with his work. Everyone wins.


It will in its hole. A bit of reading and colouring and practise holding the pencil and good luck and thanks


And @Mac wonders why he is hated on here?


He forget to mention that he found 50 quid on the beach.


This is the key thing. Absolutely no planning by the department. Trying to rush together solutions and get unions to agree with things in a big panic. It should have been set in stone what was to happen with things like leaving cert and special education when things were good in September or October. U turning then like fuck. Its genuinely disgraceful and I don’t think there even is two sides to the story on this one.

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Ah it’s gas.

The Department of Education is the most ironically named department of all.

They’ve learned absolutely nothing since the first lockdown.

Schools left on their own and no joined up thinking or guidance. You couldn’t make it up. So they didn’t.


We sent our lad around to his after school minder for few hours as we’re both being careful with bubbles and she rang us over weekend saying she’d be glad to take him. She had subbuteo laid out and he played for an hour. Her daughter is on teacher placement in his school and mad keen so did 2 hours one on one with him so he got half of Tuesday’s done too. He’ll be there another 2 or 3 days this week. Jobs a good ‘un.


The young chap here was playing Subbuteo all day. Juventus v Sligo Rovers in the World Championship Cup All Ireland Final.


Subbuteo should be mandatory in school for tactics class. I will be doing 3 hr long sessions with Scarto and Argento on it.


Subbuteo is middle class

I’d a great Subbuteo set up as a kid. Scoreboard, floodlights, the lot.

The sister wouldn’t play it with me though, so I ended up working on a lot of free kick scenarios on my own :cry:


I can see that


Maybe in Limerick

Could the department not have done one lesson plan for every single child in third class etc etc save everyone the hassle.
One high quality recording of the lesson accessible online for everyone.
Teachers could spend their time trying to help the kids then


Vvv :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: good

The state pays all teachers in private schools.


The phraseology leaves you open to question somewhat. Care to go again. Just saying…

Not all. Those in Bruce, Ashfield and Institute are not paid by dept.

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No but they receive the same government grants