
I’ve great regard for nurses. I don’t know how they do it. And I think they are criminally underpaid.
I’ve never been in contact with a social worker or a desk monkey at an mnc so I can’t really comment on how tough their job is.


None as tough as teaching.


I don’t see many teachers leaving the profession so can’t be too tough.

Teachers have to hold the attention of and educate 30 kids. The ratio of workers to children in a crèche goes from 1:3 to 1:8 as the kids get older and there isn’t the same pressure to educate. So I’d say it’s a much easier job yes.


Where did you get your stats from?

It’s a vocation. Like nursing.

Creche workers do 40 hr weeks, have no job security, pension benefits, greater stress I’d say, paid minimum wage, work through the summer etc.


They may do but it’s still a much easier job, which is why it’s minimum wage.

Nurses don’t hold the country to ransom on a routine basis.

I disagree. I think teaching is far easier.

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Have nurses never threatened industrial action?

Well you are of course entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.

Does your 8-12 year old need more supervision than your 2-4 year old?

Supervision doing what? English, Irish, math, science, history, Geography, PE, Art , sex ed etc. etc? - yes, i’d say far more supervision as 2-4 year olds wouldn’t be capable of much except playing in a confined space.

8 year olds do sex ed?

The last public sector pay agreement was effectively broken to give nurses a pay rise …

There’s at least 3 on this site alone! For a site with 25 lads and one woman that’s a huge percentage!


How long did they spend at it and are they still based in Ireland?

11-12… falls within your bracket.