
What do you think the tfkIFSCirastoolers do?

Is labouring on a building site a tough job?

Did that. Handy out. Sure you could go on a hide most of the day.

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Not particularly… depends what you’re doing. Youll get the odd bit of graft but like Fagan said, youre floating around a lot.

Is working in a call centre a tough job?

Working in McDonalds. Is that a tough job?

Great job

Piss easy

No, nor is driving a forklift.

So teaching is the only tough job out there.

Amazing. Most teachers only ever work in teaching.

Where did you get that stat?

Have you a stat to contradict that?

I don’t know one teacher who has ever given it up to do something else.

They don’t but they should.

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Have a look around Dail Eireann


Honestly, I’m sure there’s lots of tough jobs,
I don’t think working in a creche is particularly tough though.

I have a young lad in my class this year that would try the patience of a saint, the hardest kid to deal with that I’ve ever come across, he’s making my job very very difficult, just a different level of bould altogether, but I’m mad about him really :grinning:
You need the bould ones to make the day go by, usually a bit of craic as well.
It’s a difficult job, depends on the kids in front of you and their parents of course, it’s rarely easy but it’s usually good fun.
You really need to get over it though, it’s giving you far too much stress.


8 year old should definitely do sex ed.

A lad years ago once advised me to keep walking around with a bucket and you will be fine


As a general rule of thumb, the less you are paid the harder the job is

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Right, so you’re makng it up as you go along.


“I have nothing substantive to refute what you’re saying, Fulvio”