
You are the one making the unsubstantiated claims

Am I?

A teacher? You tell me


I don’t think you have anything to contend what I said.

Not until you start providing stats for your wild claims. It’s only fair to all involved. Your perceptions are insufficient evidence

My perceptions are my perceptions.

This is interesting.

EDUCATION MINISTER RICHARD Bruton has voiced concern that there is a “growing number” of teachers who have been working full-time jobs while on career break.

Bruton has also said that his department would be advising school boards that career break should not be granted unless the school is in a position to fill the temporary vacancy that would be created.

The minister was speaking to the Irish Primary Principals’ Network (IPPN) this morning and addressed concerns about a difficulty in recruiting substitute teachers.

In order to help the problem, he said he would be lifting restrictions that stop teachers who are on a career break from doing substitute teaching work.

In addition, he also outlined that career breaks should only be granted for the allowable reasons.

“It is worth saying that the purpose of the career break scheme, as set out on my department’s website, is to facilitate personal development, voluntary service overseas, childcare or self-employment,” the minister said.

These are important and worthwhile. However, its purpose is not to facilitate someone taking another full-time job, while retaining the right to return to their former teaching job at any point for up to five years.

Speaking on RTÉ’s Morning Ireland programme, Bruton said his department has no statistics on the number of teachers who are on career breaks and are working elsewhere, but that “anecdotally” it appears to be a growing issue.

“There’s been a rising number of career breaks and they’ve been increasing steadily in recent years and I think it is the schools who are telling me there are difficulties in filling the positions that are vacated. So I think schools have acknowledged the problem and I’m just making clear that these are the terms on which career breaks should be granted,” he said

The incompetence of govt depts knows no bounds.

So you are saying that minding a small group of children is more stressful than teaching a leaving cert group for instance? The pressure of trying to help them reach their full academic potential in the most important exam of their life doesn’t enter the fray? Not to mention the behavioural issues that can arise amongst teenagers and the rigorous demands of parents who expect their little Fulvio to be top of the class and place the blame squarely at the hands of the teacher if he’s not?

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Calling @glenshane

I know a couple of teachers who set up a business while teaching, went out on the sick and went full time with a lump sum and pension in hand. They wouldn’t be unique examples.
Their heads were better screwed on than mine I suppose…I just realised I’d had it and quit


Paul Galvin too.

Hardest thing I ever did. But I was/am a soft cunt.

Nurses don’t get better paid because there’s so many of them. It feels like every second young wan is a nurse these days. I don’t understand the appeal


Might just be the people I hang around with but it feels like the most popular job for young women by a long way from what I’ve seen

Because of lazy career guidance counsellors populating secondary schools I believe. Tell a young lad to go do woodwork teaching and tell the girls to do nursing. They’re the greatest charlatans of all in the education system.

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A fucking cod.

That’s absolute horseshit tbf


It’s a calling.