
Couldnt disagree more with this. Some of the most important teachings happen in the preschool years. What happens over the course of the summer when kids are 4/5 that changes them from an easy job to mind/teach to being a difficult job once they go to school (and you are finished with them by 1.30).


Id love to know who you were working for :grinning:

Nobody teaches anything in a crèche, are you serious?
You honestly think a worker in a crèche is comparable with a junior infant teacher?


I know a girl who left teaching because of how difficult it was, to take up working as an air hostess instead - she was back teaching within 2 years and won’t be leaving it again in a hurry. She still gets to travel the world every year due to the 3 months off, but the air hostess job fairly opened her eyes as to how ‘difficult’ the teaching was.


I suppose there’s creches but also ecce playschools.

Big difference on many levels, as we were talking about crèche and @Juhniallio specifically mentioned the longer day I take it that’s what the job description was.

I don’t want to make a big deal about this, you can disagree if you like, I don’t consider crèche work to be anything nearly as challenging as teaching in a primary school

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A good Junior Infant Teacher is worth gold. A very specialised job, incomparable even to a Primary School Teacher at 4th/5th/6th Class level


It definitely isn’t, creche workers are definitely underpaid but there’s no comparison with teaching it’s really minding the kids. I suppose not a huge difference between a good preschool teacher and junior infant teacher though. Preschool is a vital time for children they should really be on teachers terms and conditions.

Is pedagogy a new enough addition to teacher training ? I remember talking to a teacher at the start of last decade and they didn’t know what it was …

It’s only a word, not something that would be in the lexicon once you’ve graduated to be honest. The concept is as old as time I suppose


This is it.

They live in a bubble. Most of them only know teaching and for that reason they think their job is tough. The reality is it’s a pretty handy number with unbelievable perks.

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If you had to choose between working in a crèche or as a teacher, I reckon you’d choose teaching.
Nurses in Ireland are pretty well paid.

There is an exodus of graduating Irish nurses to the UK annually for some reason. Do they get paid more or less in the uk

I’d love to be a teacher but I wouldn’t do it for that money… Eaiser ways to earn a living

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Less, significantly less, but from talking to a couple of the GAA lasses, there seems to be a more structured career pathway in the UK. Nurses can climb the pay scale and move into management or do straightforward procedures.


We spend an our a week reachering qualifax on tinternet, all it told you was the points and requirements. Stone wall useless. Since being a pro sportsman wasn’t realistic I fell into a college course and found it interesting. Worked out in the end.

Hopefully career guidance has improved in the last 10 years

@backinatracksuit would teachers specialise in class groups ages? Considering there is a vast difference between a 5 year old and 12 year old. I imagine its very different anyway.

My missus said most nurses would work for less money here if they had proper working conditions. She worked in a role at one point and for your 8am to 8 pm shift you’d need to be at work for 6.45 or there would be no (paid) parking available…

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Why do teachers get paid after allowances etc, about 70 to 80k?

Nothing near that much I would have thought… But I don’t know