
When you learn manners and apologise for your disgraceful comments yesterday then maybe I’ll give you a little of what you crave

It’s OK,
I feel that I’ve made my point, some people have ignored it and put a completely different point in my mouth.
My point was that I wouldn’t consider myself very well paid on 650 a week if I had to provide for my wife and 4 kids, particularly when I have the skills to earn much more.
Is that fair enough?

He has played the poor mouth. His salary scale is public and it does not stand up to what he was claiming, in fact he was incredibly disingenuous about it.

The lowest starting weekly wage for a premanent teacher is €730 quid a week for a job that requires 3,000 working hours less than you standard full time employee, has very secure pay and benefits which self-employed peolpe do not have, are not on the hook for their tax returns and insurance etc, etc, etc. Why are you continuing to try and conflate things?

We’ve a lad here trying to say consultants have it hard and teachers don’t. Lucky to see 600 a day says he.

That’s mental gymnastics.


They are very well remunerated from the amount of work put in.

A teacher who dose 45 years service in his/her permanent job will earn above the avg industrial wage for 42 of the 45 years they work with huge additional benefits with their job.

This is why people go into the profession and why few people leave if after they have done a couple of years.

Of course it’s fair enough but so is a counter argument too …it’s not an ad homenim attack if someone differs with you on the principle of what you are saying …

He was being extremely disingenuous. If he earned more in a day as a tiler than he did as a teacher then he was earning somewhere in the region of 190k-355k a year as a tiler. Now that means he was self-employed which means he was on the hook for lots of things. I’d say most teachers come out of it financially and physically much better off than most tradesmen over the course of their careers.

It wasn’t an attack, I never said that.
It’s a completely hypothetical situation that was created, in my case the money I earn doesn’t matter,
I’d find it very very hard to get by on 650 a week with a mortgage and supporting a wife and 4 kids, (hypothetically)
Would there be many lads here know people doing that?


And you’d have to work a lot longer hours, take a lot more risks, leave yourself a lot more exposed which is why you don’t do it.

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Well there are AP1 and AP2 posts in schools as well but the financial incentives wouldn’t be massive there I’d imagine.

You’d be doing well to get mortgage approval and fire out 4 kids while you’re on the minimum teacher scale.

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This is extremely disingenuous.

Teachers earn a minimum of 730 per week gross. You are pobably closer to 1k a week now if you’ve been working 7/8 years.

If you were employed as a tradesman by a company your gross salary would need to be 78k per week gross and if you are referring to net then you are probably looking at €140k per week. No tradesman gets that as a employee, they only earn that type of money self-employed as a contractor or subcontracor.

You are being incredibly disingenuous here.

Particularly if you’d previously been renting in Dublin. You wouldn’t have massive savings if so.

Are you putting the same importance to the finish of a wall as you are to the education of children?

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Consultants don’t know where their next pay cheque is coming from and if companies wise up they can tell them to get to fuck. They are exposed to huge risks. I know a lad from home who did well for himself as a tradesman but had huge difficulty getting a mortgage as he was self-employed.

You’re just an absolute knobhead here. I really do pity your wife and kids. Go troll some minimum wage workers about how minted you are.

Are you demeaning the importance of housing homeless kids?

You’re trolling a teacher for months about his profession. Cry me a fucking river you absolute piece of shit


You could work 40 hours in a factory all your life and not see a decent payrise, teachers are guaranteed their salary to double over their course of their career without ever having to sit an interview if they stick it out.

I’m not trolling I’m stating facts. He has been caught out spinning bullshit. His payscale is publicly available and he has lied about it.

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No but you’re demeaning their education, which will lead to more homelessness.

Education is the most important factor in beating almost all socio economic problems and you want the people responsible for it to be as miserable as you are.

You are a rotten, bitter, miserable cunt