
When did I last tag you?

Which the time ? It’s more 8 to 10 years …

Did you get a bang on the head or something?

I’d be surprised that even with 8 to 10 years experience that they would be on that much with only a basic degree and feck all responsibility.

You said I was tagging you all morning Doofus. More cowardly lies from you.

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You may be right in certain instances but generally I think it’s earned in the work done. Competitions are competitive, you do have to be good (generally, there are definitely some exceptions) to get promoted. If you’re coming from AO grade then you’ve been paid fuck all for the first five years or so at that level. I doubt many people make AO without a masters and some work experience either. And i’m not whingeing about it but the level of responsibility I had for the last year was a long way above my paygrade.

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There would. Now There would be some terrible under the bus gigs there too…it’s a pure role of the dice

Great Job Yes GIF by Hollywood Suite

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So you were talking out of your arse.

The fact is you can’t take the fact that you started out on your high horse yesterday and then let your mask slip to the utter wanker you are.

I :heart: teachers


And you think low paid workers are beneath you.

no you think I think that you odd cunt

this whole thread is about you thinking teachers are beneath you


I don’t know why your lying. You let the mask slip with your posts earlier.

Unlike you I don’t judge people by what they earn or go around bragging that I’m rich.

I think an individual that does that is a wanker without any redeeming qualities.

Why do you think you are superior to educators?

Try again…

The whole thread is about the fact that teachers are like unionists. People who have a very good deal with good pay and great perks and regularly try and hold the country to ransom when they earn over the average industrial wage for 42/45 years of their career and do 3,000 less hours a year in their working contracts.

It’s the disgusting arrogance of teachers when zero hour contracts and minimum wage issues mean low paid workers are regularly screwed. If teachers don’t like their job then change career and stop holding the taxpayer to ransom.


Fucking hell

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You actually going to address what assets a self employed tradesman has to secure against a mortgage or are you just going to show the whole forum that you have no real life experiences when you have your bullshit empty statements probed.

What scares you about having to stand behind your words?

I don’t think I am superior. They think they are superior to everyone else, they are an extremely selfish group who regularly hold the country to ransom to bully their way throuhg and get what they want when they are the best looked after group of employees in the nation.

It takes 3 years for a teacher to reach the avg industrial wage in a job that has 3,000 less hours in it a year than an avg full time employee. They are facts, I note you can’t even construct a coherent argument.

I find it incredibly hard that to believe a fuckwit like you could be rich as you’re not very bright.

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