
Ah you’ve got an inferiority complex, some would say a chip on the shoulder.

I can see clearly now

Try again, when you find an example of what you claimed…

This cunt :grin:

The guy who was telling the forum how rich he was earlier and goading posters about what they earn reckons another poster has an inferiority complex.

You couldn’t make it up. You really couldn’t.

I really couldn’t understand what would prompt you to feel the need to announce to this forum that you were rich and then goad posters on what they earn. This coming just posts after you were making a very conceited and theatrical moral highground position.

Easily 50 I’d say. Maybe more. At one point when no one replied to him he started replying to his own posts for a while.

You’re reverting to type now.

Anything but deal with your absolute bullshit on self employed mortgages. Let’s talk about self-employed mortgages you spoof. Or does your lack of real life experiences and knowledge worry you?

This is brilliant. You must be sniggering typing this stuff as much as I’m giggling reading :rofl:

Another fella who claims not to care and has been on thread all day.

Why do you feel the need to censor this. Teachers pay is very public, their hours are very public, the avg industrial wage is public. Why do you want to censor this debate and rail against perfectly valid criticism of teachers?

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I was out for a lovely walk up a mountain and I’ve just finished a lovely steak. What did you get up to yourself today?

The village idiot.

I see you’ve got your obsessive compulsive teeth into that one despite me telling you it was a joke.

I am not rich. Nowhere near it. That’s the joke.

I have a single income family with childcare and all the associated costs with having a family.

I’ve worked my fucking arse off from a socially deprived area, with the help of immense human beings as teachers to build a good life for me and my family who you keep mentioning you weird cunt.

Your disdain for educators is truly disgusting and shows you out to be a bitter, twisted, broken cunt of a human


Jon Stewart Laughing GIF

Oh so you switch from taking a very conceited moral highground on teachers to then goading other posters and boasting about being rich in a matter of posts.

It’s clear you let the mask slip earlier and are now very embarrassed.

To say it was a joke now is not true. Your follow up posts about what a computer consultant earns shows you were deadly serious when you were saying that. I don’t think anyone believed you though, they just thought “what a dickhead”. The mask slipped.

Where did I make the comment, back up your claims mate. Very unionist style position from you here.

Your mistake is taking him at face value. This is a bit of an obsession he has, I’d surmise there’s a reason for it, I wouldn’t take anything he says personally.


It’s a classic windup

That’s not it either.


Are you not intelligent enough to answer that question?

What basis is this on?

Of course, you could actually not have a baldy notion what you’re on about.

@gman is one of those self-employed people who has real life experience of struggling to get a mortgage. Are you calling him a liar or is that not complete and utter proof that you are a fucking cabbage that knows fuck all and has no real life experiences but is deluded enough to pretend he has.

Keep trying mate.

You are like a DUP Politician deflecting here