
tenor (10)


We should put an IQ test on this forum to stop people like you from joining.

You can cast insults for as long as you like. You have nothing to back up the claim :grinning:

IQ test :laughing:

Of course there are .they are designed that way on purpose …

That’s fine, throw out a few low paid jobs there where staff work additional hours by evening and weekend for no additional pay.

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I walk the dog every evening and weekends too for nothin. Does that count?

Possibly social workers or people who care for other people, nursing homes and the like

It seems society take advantage of people who are inclined to care for others by and large, unfortunately

I see what you did there …

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I don’t disagree with much of what you have said - teachers are well looked after in many respects and that’s one of the reasons many of us settle on it as a career. In saying that, it is not a race to the bottom. I’d like to see far more jobs, all equally important to society, given those same securities. I feel some of the teacher bashing is disproportionate, plenty of other civil service roles have similar perks you mentioned and yet they are never under the same scrutiny as teachers.

Teachers, for right or wrong, are tasked with educating the next generation and I think I would prefer see it an attractive role and a competitive one to try and attract a high calibre into the career to provide the highest standard of education to those children. Pay peanuts, get monkeys and all that.

You’ll have good and bad in all walks of life but in my experience there are a lot more dedicated teachers than not, who are well aware of the benefits they get in their role and are often drawn to it for vocational reasons, even if they’re not the ones we see on twitter etc.

I think you and I agree on more than it probably appears, I’m not blind to some of the flaws you rightly point out but also can’t have my career slated either without raising some of the points that I did in my previous posts. Would be wrong of me not to.


That’s fair but no other section of the civil or public service have the same leave entitlements.

I don’t get the pay peanuts, get monkeys line. We both know that a lot of people get involved in teaching solely for the holidays and hours off, Tomas O’Se’s confession is what bumped this thread back up in that he pursued teaching for the time off and the summer holidays. There are good teachers out there who I don’t deny put in extra hours and there are very bad teachers out there do the bare minimum of their school hours. The issue is there is no accountability - it’s a job for life and once a teacher is in they can pursue the lazy teacher route without any worries about their job.

I think if you adjusted the salary in line with the the north’s payscale you would actually have more people who do teaching because it’s something they have an interest in rather than an extremely well paid job with relatively few hours.

Clearly you are not one of those victim teachers that generally let the profession down. I stand by my point that they are overpaid and underworked with respect to all other sectors of society. Some teachers are very hard working and take great pride in their work and others are simply there for the summers off and short hours - I think there should be something to demotivate these type of characters from joining the profession.


You don’t even have a baldy notion what you are talking about here do you?

What claim are you referring to?

I love you bro you silly cunt :rofl:

Is that a no?

What claim are you on about?

cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy you daft cunt

Go on tell us.

The house they are buying? Like pretty much everyone who ever gets a mortgage? The actual term mortgage is the legal document that allows you to give the house to the bank in exchange for a home loan

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And what about their earnings and the lack of security there.

That’s not the point I responded to though…you asked, repeatedly, what assets a self employed fella had a to get a mortgage

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I fancy a tayto sandwich

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