
Now, now, Mr Malarkey! You seem to be implying that I’m a clown. Totally uncalled for.

his answer is they should be unpaid for the 12 weeks.

which would do wonders for attracting well motivated, happy, well intentioned people to the job, in cloud cuckoo land

Ah now. Etc.

Cloud cuckoo land…

Very very kind description.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy argument only holds up if you put the education and future prospects of a child at the same importance level as a the bins getting collected, or a factory production line running smoothly.

One is far more important than the others, far, far more important, hence the perks and the need for a happy, motivated teaching corps

I wouldn’t imagine so tbh. They would need to completely grasp the set and unchanging syllabus. This for a defined syllabus can probably be achieved by any reasonably functioning person who dedicates enough time and effort.
Having said that, I think good teachers are very bright.

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to be a good teacher you’ve the know the subject and the student. not all kids learn the same and good teachers can find a way to break through and make a subject engaging, not all engineers could teach a student.

Let’s rewind here because you are trying to deflect in a fit of petulance and humiliation.

Three times you have failed to elaborate on YOUR point. We know why, it’s clear that you hubris is badly damaged here. You made an idiotic points and have thrown the toys out of the pram because you don’t want to have to address it. A bit of good grace from you would have you putting your hands up and admitting your usual emotive and highly sensitive defence of teachers was lacking in any sort of logic.

Instead you have tried to deflect and ball about not being badgered into addressing. You’re the guy who defended the entrance criteria for teaching. I merely asked you to clarify your defence and you threw a strop when it dawned on you that your position was idiotic.

So rather than continue to behave like a child, could you go back and address your point?

What happens when the bins don’t get collected or the factory can’t produce medicines?

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy you’ve been avoiding my point.

Do you think a childs future is less than or equally important to collecting the bins, or a production line running smoothly?

I think it’s a ridiculous analogy.

Bit off topic but how do you become an engineering or accounting teacher for example? Do you have to be qualified as one of those things?

another bin company comes in and the lines get fixed.

What happens when the education system fails and kids are coming out of school unhappy and unmotivated?

I’ll address your very first post.
Because the ROI is too small, and has too great a history of stroke pulling, nepotism and bribery to have anything other than an honest straight points shootout for university places, and the competition sets the level.
Is it ideal? No, but like democracy, for Ireland, it is the fairest and least worst system.


Do we have good schools and bad schools?

you’ve been making it continuously by saying teaching isn’t unique and is on par with other professions

If pointing out that a fella holds two contrary opinions doesn’t constitute debate for you that’s ok with me. From your posts above it seems that personal insults is the debating style you appreciate most. Fulvio’s tenets are untenable, but there’s great enjoyment in watching him at work on here and occasionally engaging. You’re just a sad old hack who considers himself a sort of Wildean debater whereas your posts are more of the McGregor style. The odd sneaky rabbitpunch but forever in the gutter. And snarling at the stars.


answer the question, do you think a childs future or education is less or equally important than the bins getting collected?

pick any other profession you like

But should teaching not be targeting people with a genuine passion and suitability rather than people most eager to get a job where they have 3 months off in the year?

Sorry if I’m a bit testy today guys but my country is in a European Championship semi final tonight and I’m pumped.