
You never addressed either of these points @EstebanSexface

No I put points to you. You never answered them.

Teachers are extremely well paid for the work they do.
They have perks that most other professions don’t have - hours, holidays, job security, guaranteed payrises, pension entitlements.

You want to continually ignore the above because it doesn’t suit your argument.

if a zero contract hour employee has a bad month, what is the outcome?
if a teacher has a bad month, what is the outcome? 30+ kids get a bad impression of education and some never get it back.

each profession can fight for their rights, on their merit. Because one is more important than the other you think they don’t have rights to complain, even legitimately about employments rights. You’re the only one shitting on anyone here mate

And you still haven’t answered the points I put to you because it makes shit of your entire argument.

a real internet beat down from @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy to a rake of forum chumps


They lose their job, they might lose their home, they might not be able to feed their family or provide for them. Of course none of this seems to matter to you, these people seem to be scum of the earth to you

They don’t lose the job, they are a month closer to a pay increase, a month’s more pension benefits added up, a month closer to the summer off. What accountability has a teacher?

What dictates a teacher having a bad month by their pay anyway? There are plenty of bad teachers out there too, plenty of teachers who moan and complain about their job but don’t seem to have it that bad that they would actually move from it.

You can’t keep shouting about not having your points not answered when you won’t answer any in return. I’ve actually been far more engaging in your points which are poorly made than you have my reasoned ones.

OK that’s more whataboutery, we’re talking about professional outcome. If a teacher loses his job none of this applies does it? Do you not see teachers as people?

Do you think a childs education is less or equally important than the bins getting collected or your Happy Meal getting made? One simple answer

That’s an answer to your question.

I’m being very genuine here. I answer your question. You lack the basic decency to do likewise.

I’ve addressed all you points there and you refuse to address mine. Have some manners.

Yes or no

Answer these @EstebanSexface

after you

I’ve addressed your points. You refuse to address mine. Show a bit of class.

Yes or no.

You accused me of being a Thatcherite. You’ll get as much respect as I choose to give

So the nub seems to be 12 weeks paid holidays. How long do you think teachers should have off? Or would 12 weeks unpaid holidays be okay?

you’ve listed out a load of job benefits. They aren’t points.

I addressed your points there.

A question asked and an answer given.

You have no manners. Too cowardly to stand behind your views when pressed. People can say what they like about me but I’m never afraid to stand behind anything I say and articulate why and answer questions when I’m asked. You’re too arrogant or scared to do the same.

answer the question, yes or no. That’s all there is too it.

I’ve asked questions. Do you deny those unique benefits teachers have?

Overpaid, underworked, entitled, zero accountability, protected.

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I asked my question first and it still hasn’t been answered. I’ve been called a Thatcherite in the mean time, despite being courteous, and you talk about manners

Okay but that hasn’t really addressed the issue of 12 weeks holiday. What would your solution be?