
Thatcher closed the Coal Mines mate, thats a compliment to be called a thatcherite


maybe to a West Brit it is

she saved the planet

No you didn’t you asked your questions after. I’ve answered a series of questions and you continue to pretend this is a one way street where you ask questions and I answer. It’s not, you’ve came on here an refused to back up anything you said. Why are you so afraid of backing your own argument?

You continue to engage in bad faith here.


I’ve addressed your issues, you refuse to show the same courtesy back. It’s really bad manners and I think it shows you have no faith in what you’re arguing.

You lashed out once or twice and still haven’t answered my simple yes or no question. It looks like you’ve dug in here. There’s no shame in it for you.

I’ll not wait for an apology

You have not answered one question I asked. I have addressed anything you put towards me and I think that shows how much of a beaten docket you are.

You can shriek but you can’t make a coherent point.

Do you think so?

Here, then: 52 - 12 = ?

That’s not an answer

Do you think a childs future is less than or equally important to collecting the bins, or a production line running smoothly, or a happy meal being delivered?

Yes or No

Listing job benefits is not a coherent point.

More bad manners. You won’t answer a question but expect everyone to answer you.

All that we have clarified from this conversation is that the same as the last one. You have nothing but contempt for low paid workers and view them as scum of the earth but think teachers deserve the right to hold the country to ransom and top up all their unique perks.

Your unwillingness and outright arrogance that only your questions and issues should be addressed shows the type of character you are.

You can’t expect someone to keep extending the courtesy of addressing their points but not do the same in return. You’ve let yourself down badly here.

ok mate, more outbursts, you’ve some cheek to talk about manners.

Have a nice day.

I take it my question will never get answered

It’s just pointless. Let’s call it what it is. You’re a coward, a shrieking coward who is afraid to debate. You had multiple opportunities to stand behind your position but you had no faith it.

You were unable to counter any of my points.
You were unwilling to answer any of my questions because they undermined your position.
You continued to throw out an absurd analogy.

But your views on the working class are well established here.

Naughty step

Interesting to know that all you intended to do was obfuscate.

You actually had no belief in what you said, you know as well as I do how opportunistic and selfish teachers are with their conduct.

I’m staying out of this, but maybe you can help @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy
I can’t remember the last time there was a National school (INTO) teachers strike in Ireland, I was interested in finding out since you’ve been on about it all day, it wasn’t during my career, I don’t recall it during my own kids schooldays, since 2010 I think that was, I can’t find out online
When were all those strikes??

I’ve let my INTO membership lapse by the way

I’d generally be in support of most industrial action but especially towards professions that have a tangible impact on society, teachers, nurses, social workers, guards etc.

I don’t think the teachers union use the importance of the profession to hold the country the ransom. They balloted legitimately on a few covid concerns but continued to go into classrooms when everyone else outside of healthcare were told not to congregate indoors

I’ve said many times on here, they are reasonably well paid, they have good benefits and so they should. They have a very important role in society and a difficult job.

I haven’t met many who complain too much about the job. I don’t know where people get the impression that they’re moaning all the time. I know a couple and they’re nearly apologetic about mentioning the holidays


There’s an engineering teaching course in UL. Probably be qualified to teach Tech Graph/DCG and Metalwork alongside that. There’s a business and accounting teaching course in Thurles that’s linked to Mary I as far as I know. DCU might have one too I think.

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You are for well paid teachers with job security, big pensions, high annual leave entitlements but against rights for low paid workers and zero hour contract workers.


jesus GIF