
Magnificent work lads over 150 unread posts. And I’ve stopped my ole teacher bashing on the Internet. I’ve retired from that activity as there is no winners only losers in the debate. Teachers benefits and holidays are debatable but no question its a tough job I wouldnt do myself.

I see @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy must be on holidays :grinning:.A Tour De France from him today taking on all comers and still battling away.


Since 6am.

Such determination to prove his debating skills.

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I never said he was right or wrong.

Could be anything from nothing to catastrophic results tbh. That’s a fairly broad and low sweep.

Wasn’t it revealed that teaching was the original profession of the vast majority of TDs in the Dáil back when Inda (also, a teacher) held the top post.
How could the country not be in a hape when it’s run by a bunch of people trained to teach 4yr olds how to spell cat.

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Teachers look to be part of pandemic bonus talks

Teacher unions have said that they expect to be involved in any discussions around the acknowledgement of workers’ contributions during the pandemic.

In a joint statement the Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland, Teachers’ Union of Ireland and the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation said that “teachers’ extraordinary efforts both face-to-face with their pupils in crowded classrooms and in the online learning space have allowed schools to continue to prioritise teaching and learning while meeting children/ young people’s needs”.

The statement follows calls from health sector unions, the National Bus and Rail Union and the Association of Garda Sergeants & Inspectors for some form of special recognition of their efforts during the pandemic.

Aye teachers have had it so, so, so tough during the pandemic.


They want a bonus for working from home in their pyjamas for half the year? Have to give it to them, they’ve got balls


The teachers’ unions are actually trolling you on behalf of tracksuit…that’s the only explanation here


Jon Stewart Popcorn GIF

Would you be supportive of teachers getting a bonus for their pandemic performance yourself?

I wouldn’t.

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Oh you’re a divil

Another example of teaching unions going rogue. We need to ensure the anger is at the unions and not teachers. I say most wouldnt agree but hey free money.

It does devalue the argument for nurses gardai etc. I would be annoyed if all hse staff got it.

The problem will be finding a politician in power who would publicly draw a line and say ‘These guys are getting it and these guys aren’t’ - by whatever rationale is used. So every civil service worker will get it. Or a tiny section they feel they can point to won’t(Passport office or something). Either way, the taxpayer will have a whopper bill and the politicians will fail to make a decision again for fear of it hurting them electorally.
Personally, I’d go with frontline medical staff only. So nurses doctors and all hospital staff( cleaners, porters etc) who worked in the hospitals or care homes.
And then (and I know this idea is ludicrous…) An appreciation day for staff in shops where we can visit your local lidl/tesco and throw cash in a bucket for the staff.


Anybody who was able to use laptop at home to work should be ruled out for starters.

Teachers claiming it (or their unions) sums up the clutching nature of Irish society.


I wouldn’t disagree with any of that.

The goverment can only control their employees which is fair. A blanket bonus will really push the buttons of private sector employees, myself included. I imagine it’ll be a big task to identify who was working in those conditions too before unions get involved. God love Mary working from home filling put spreadsheet for the hse. Another issue will be what to do with the contract workers for the hse do they get it? It’s very sticky tbf but I agree with the frontline workers get more than a clap etc.


They’re at it again, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy. A laughing stock at this stage.

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