
INTO allows retired members to vote, that’s why you see their demand to expand the panels.

Lots of older retired members looking to cash in on COVID

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I’d be more concerned about them putting pressure on to lower the age for requiring children to wear face coverings.

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They can go fuck themselves on that

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How did the zoom classes go yesterday folks? More of the same today I spose, can’t be easy.

They only sent out the “homework” here during the day ffs.Id say half the people didn’t even know they had any.And off again today ffs.

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They didn’t have any zoom classes. School was closed full stop. Not open online closed. Think they had only planned for online learning in the case of covid shutdowns not storm shutdowns.

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Teaching is only a cod

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Yep, remote learning only for Covid related closures, there’s a circular about it somewhere…

Mate of mine was telling me they use one of their discretionary holidays in the school for the 8th of December #roasters but since the school was closed anyway they get to use it another day instead.

What a country


Unplanned day off. No zoom, regular homework

Did any parents actually want home learning? Popular observational comedian Rory O Connor seemed to capture the zeitgeist by suggesting that was the last thing people want.
One thing that no one will ever give a fuck again about after covid is the kids missing school. To think people used stress if they headed away on holidays or kept them off for some other random reason that they were ‘missing out’. Schools won’t be able to chase up poor attenders with a straight face either.


Schools don’t chase up poor attenders, merely pass on the information that they are legally obliged to.

No school made the decision to close

Nice chance to get the reports done though.

Usual suspects up in arms about something that teachers have no control over :grinning:


Not quite true. Deis schools do, via HSCL & School completion.

Well, of course the school will contact poor attenders in all cases

But the serious business is done once the school reports it, as they are obliged to.

So giving them short shrift when the HSCL calls to the door is not a good idea

That’s a bit much alright.

Lovely relaxing couple of days off for everybody (with kids over 8) without home schooling.

Lot of lads have lost any semblance of the joys being a young lad once when a day off from school due to snow or a blown boiler was a gift from the Gods.


We had many days off school, usually due to a frozen boiler,

But I’d say (outside of Covid obviously) there were far more days off in the good old days

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Enjoy the time off with yer kids lads, they will be back in tomorrow . My head is wrecked after yesterday but I have to say the madness was good… I’d be pulling my hair out if I’d any left :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I wish our two year old was of age for school :grinning:… A right diva so she is, she has me destroyed.

I know but my point is people won’t worry at all anymore about a few days off school and rightly so. I can see an explosion in people taking holidays during term time when this shit show is over. What’s a week or ten days off when they’ve missed months on end.
The snows in 2010 were the first days schools were closed nationwide for unforeseen circumstances in my memory anyway. Don’t remember any such occasion in my own childhood.