
You’re too young to remember 1982 so. Some craic that year. We were making forts out of the snowdrifts on the side of the roads.


It is only starting

Good craic all the same… I’ve 3 girls St home under 6…pure and utter madness… They are outside kids so this weather is a balls… If I see another cartwheel ill go cracked… Ya have to embrace the madness :joy:

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She will love school. Our wan stone mad for it.

My two lads have used the day to go off to buy me my Christmas presents from them.

They asked me for the money before they headed off.


I decided to take my ones to Galway for the night. Fuck school.What are the Christmas markets like @KinvarasPassion @maroonandwhite

Going Friday… Galway and traffic are horrible… It would put you off going… Markets are grand… Nothing special really… Kids will love the big wheel or the train ride from the square… Nice for the kids

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Great plan. Fuck the traffic and think of all the great memories you are creating for the kids. It’ll be great. Wear a warm hat baldy!! :slight_smile:

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: Ah ya… I’m even contemplating calling into @Lazarus for a pint. Haven’t had one in a few months now…
Kids are buzzing… Christmas if you just go with it is a great time… Especially if you have kids… Its magic


Yeah the kids are delighted

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Come here we all know the teachers and Big wind are working together to get extra days off. Big wind and the greens are in cahoots together, the dogs kn the street know that

Advances in communication have made snap shut downs easier. Much harder coordinate something like that in the past.

I remember a good few days off for snow during my school days. I think the list of closures would be announced on local radio that morning.

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Sure they would have had to turn off the turbines yesterday cause there was too much wind, after being off all summer cause there was no wind.


In the good old days the priest would announce from the altar when the various schools in the town were going back after the holidays. That’s how they communicated back then.

We might get a day off if there was snow and the bus never showed up,that was about it.

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In my lads school they are allowed to access the classes online only if they are off with covid. I think the school is afraid that plenty would never leave the bed otherwise.

Do you defend them taking an extra discretionary day off too, or is that “outside their control”?

I don’t hava a clue what you’re on about, so no, i suppose i can’t defend that

This @backinatracksuit (if true)
Fwiw, I think the entirety of a nation’s success is built around it’s education system, and every facet of it.
Teachers and shop workers should have been the first to get the vaccine after frontline (and I mean truly frontline) healthcare workers.
I think the vast majority of teachers earn every penny and more.
I think as a group they are the most important in society.

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Well I’d question the legal standing of that decision to be honest, I’m not sure that I believe it.

But in fairness who in their right mind (as an employee) would turn down a paid day off :grinning: it wouldn’t have been a call made by tank and file so there’s no need for anybody to ‘defend’ it