
Consultant Doctors will be pissed to hear you don’t consider their jobs real.


Nutella and kinder Buenos Sales will be off the charts

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There’s plenty of prep work required alongside that.

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Prepping for annual leave?


Would the curriculum change often? I’d say you only have to prep once and ctrl+c then ctrl+v and ctrl+p

It’s all a dance …They’ve brought concerns but have also brought solutions, realistic or otherwise, re the antigen tests being made widely available and also the hepa filters … they’re looking to draw Foley out to start giving some direction…


Surely these filters if they were got would put an end to this constant nonsense at the start of every term about going back

They’ll be waiting a good while longer for that


Nailed it.

There are not enough hepa filters in Europe to fulfill the demand in Ireland alone. Its like the CO2 monitors - there is not enough available supply.

And I’d imagine the first place they’ll go is hospitals that don’t have them…

You would think the asti know this

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The teachers are all mad to go back

How’d you know? Have we tried to get them? We were able to buy and produce ventilators when they couldn’t be got.

ASTI don’t care. This isn’t about reality but the perception of reality. As long as they are being difficult, challenging the Department (however stupid and impractical their proposals) it is interpreted by some as them being solution focused and practical. They aren’t and they have never been.

Always remember, unions largely represent the vociferous 1% of members. The silent majority often see unions and the active 1% as mentalists.

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They have. They are not available to that extent. Even if they were (which they aren’t), it would have to go to public tender. A contract of that size would take months.to conclude.

We’ve had covid for nearly 2 years.How long do these fuckers need.If they work it would end this fuckin nonsense.I suppose they’re waiting on some ex hse boss to buy enough of them to contract it out to them


There is simply no way that teachers and students can all be sitting at home in class during the day and then they all head off at 3pm to the likes of Liffey valley for a browse around Penney’s and on for a few pints and the cinema. The last two times schools were closed everything else was too.


I’ve not seen any statement or comment saying they’ve looked for them, are trying to get them, explaining the delay, or saying they can’t be got.

From whom? The Department of Education? They have made arrangement to have a small number in place but I am talking about 350 across the country.