
Eldest is into his second year teaching in Greystones, he was poxed with accommodation is in a 6 bed house in Churchtown sharing with 5 other lads, he’s only paying €550 a month so he’s managing fine. Overall not a bad gig starting off at €36k a year.


Does the spilt season affect him?


Shared with 5 other lads from my course after 1st year in college and it was great craic. Always the lure to go out on the lash although in this situation he’d have to be up for work in the morning.

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He landed on his feet, but from what I recall you saying in the past, he’s a good lad to put the work in too.

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He loves it, all he ever wanted to do, following the family tradition, the ould lad, grandmother and a few aunts were teachers.


My young fella is going into 3rd class next year and we’ve just been notified that he will have two teachers !! They will job share. One week on, One week off.

Surely this is fucking madness???

Common enough practice

Really. What’s the thinking behind it?

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It’s a job share! That’s what he said



Surely kids need routine? A full time teacher would be paramount to learning??

What to suit the teacher??? their ‘vocation’ ?

Its bullshit.

Could be worse. We’d a teacher back in the day who was out at least 3 days a week for the year and sometimes for weeks on end. Had about 20 different subs throughout the year.

Did they tell you they had ‘a vocation’

It’s common, many large schools would enable job shares, one of my kids had it for a year and it was grand, many principals won’t allow it.
The teachers should link in at the end of each week and it n some ways it will ensure that they’re doing what they should be

Look, my advice for what it’s worth is not to sweat it


A case of teachers only given “part time” hours, or more a decision that teacher would prefer to work half hours?

No, it’s usually to allow for child rearing , young mothers


Had it this year with my fella. 3 days on 2 days off on alternate weeks…a bit of a shit show if truth be told. Really suited one teacher not so much the other…one of them took the piss out of it and the other one ended up carrying most of the weight


Fuck the teachers, its the effect on the kids !!!


If there’s enough objection to it, could the decision be reversed?

Not a hope, but it might inform future allocations


Had it in primary for a year
One was out to have a baby
Upset the smallies for a few weeks but grand afterwards.
Brian Cuthbert is principal still so everything ran smoothly.

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