
The switchover is generally midweek alright,
You’ve good teachers and bad and most in the middle so I don’t think it’s any worse than any other random arrangement myself

Unfortunately their own kid is more important to them if it is a case of young mothers wanting to spend more time with them.

I’d say it’ll only lead to things being driven on more in-class and no corners cut with planning, resources and attention to detail. Kids will be getting the benefit and perspective of 2 teachers etc. See how ye find it. It might be better. The kids will get used to the timetable.


Always thought one week on, one week off would be better myself

Cuthbert is an excellent principal I hear from relatives.

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Its definitely gone very common in big schools and will become even more so I’d say. Could totally see why young mothers are availing of it. 8 people in our place doing it.

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Id say the 2 are fairly closely linked pal

My young fella is just done first class. He had 2 teachers this year on the job share
3 in seniors, a lady who went on maternity leave and then a different sub for each of the terms post Xmas
In juniors he had a different lady who went on mat leave and a succession of subs for a month here and there incl a few trainees from Mary I

We heard the other day he is getting a teacher who is new to the school but is supposed to be excellent. I know her and met her at weekend and she is visibly pregnant

I wouldn’t envy the principals job but another year of disruption for that group could have been easily avoided

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Sure is, Cubby knows his stuff, kids love him
That’s my old school as well
Was in the v first class in 1963/4

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Definitely a few know it alls here could go in and teach the whole syllabus I’d say


Over half the starting Kerry team tomorrow are teachers

Like a lot of public services in Ireland, schools are run for the benefit of its staff more than the learners.

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Id be fairly pissed off if one qas a teacher to my kids

So why did you want to be a teacher? A passion for education or an empathy with kids?

No, the hours allowed me to focus on my hobby


Yeah it will be tough for the kids in school on Monday morning finding out their teacher is out sick with a hangover.

It’s a very uncomfortable truth in some cases but then you see the benefit when said teacher is on the line in Croker for a Cuman na bunscoil final


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Most people become teachers for holidays

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The three best things about secondary teaching;

  1. June
  2. July
  3. August

My eldest is 25, teaching the last 2 years and is permanent now in his school,he’s loving the holidays, not huge money but he’s off our payroll🤣