
The youngest lad’s teacher has had a hectic first week back after the long summer holidays. Luckily for her she’s heading off on maternity leave now.


Teachers seem to be excellent family planners. Also like to get married over Easter so they don’t miss out on the week or two wedding leave they get upon their return


Our lad has had a sub teacher the last 3 days.

Our first 2 kids were born in late September / early October and we got married right at the end of the Easter Holidays :rofl:


Why would she come back for the one week ?principal holding firm?

Shortage of teachers might mean they don’t have mat leave cover sorted yet

Mrs @Mac making it all about herself


It’s also teacher’s decision as to when they want to start maternity leave and you can’t have two people working at once on the same job.

No I mean they sometimes find a way to have them “in” but not really “in” especially when it’s just for one week

I’d say budgets might not allow that?

Meh. It’s classic civil service. I’ve a positive covid test in the (metaphorical) arse pocket to get another week on holidays once I’m back from my actual ones


could be wrong here (most likely) but if you join leave up to holidays, they count it all as leave. So you’ll find a lot of teachers come back to school right at the start of the school year and more so you will see a lot of teachers come back in May/June so that the summer months holidays dont go towards the leave allocation.


I get that , I’m talking more nod and a wink stuff .

That happened my young lady a couple of years ago too,also my young lad had a sub forethe first 2 days last week as his teacher didn’t saunter in till the Monday after two months off.His wasn’t the only class either.

up to 36 in my kids class now, we’d be as well off sending her to Calcutta


Do wonder say in Limerick how anybody can compete with them big companies like striker and regeneron and Eli Lilly.

It’s money for jam in those places and they drive up the prices of everything.

I don’t think I know a tradesman under the age of 35.

41 in a class in Dunmore now I read earlier in the week. I was in a class of 48 in primary. Crowd control was the main job for the teacher.

ah jaysus lad, I know a hape of young lads doing trades. Are you not involved with any team?


The only one is a panel beater and he’s 35 if not a little more.

My mother was onto me because all my fathers go are retiring.

i knew a few lads doing carpentry in their 40s and three of them are in factories now.