
If i could do it all again… id seriously consider a trade but you need your head screwed on and aim to be away from the front line by the time you hit 40.


The Regeneron shif for floor/line workers is 2 days then 2 nights with four days off then the reverse

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I guess a lot of people just follow the crowd at 17/18.

Plumber Electrician or Fitter is the way to go as you can get a job in one of the multinationals handy enough and do a few nixers on the side if you wanted


these are the golden nuggets

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My cousin is/was an electrician. It’s what he wanted to do after school and after a few years, he had his own business and all was going well. His father (my uncle) is a plumber. When the recession hit, my cousin pivoted as his business became an electrical and heating one (especially gas boilers). Recently, he took over the family farm and is gone into beef cattle and is spending at least half of his time on that because it’s what he likes doing the most. That and fixing tractors, motorbikes, cars, and whatnot.

A good pal of mine was a carpenter after school. Set up his own business. Pivoted into something completely different for a few years (owned a bike shop!). Now he works for one of the big crowds in Limerick doing facilities management or something like that. He never realised what it was like to have paid holidays until he was nearly 40! They’re great numbers if you can land them I reckon.

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You get paid for overtime and then paid for loss of overtime :joy:

@carryharry is after timing his for the start of the NFL season

My young fella had a new teacher appointed in her first full time post over the summer…was on mat leave before the school year started.

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He’s on shift and getting a hell of a lot of overtime if he’s pulling 130k p.a.

He’s earning more than a TD

Or better still the golden ticket that is annualised overtime

Think TDs are on 110k before expenses. So he’s not.

Absolute tops an electrical tech is on in the likes of Regeneron is 70k. Four cycle shift will give 33.3% so 23.31. c40k of OT? Nah, not having that

Thought you said he was on 130k

40k agreed annualised OT? Not happening.


I didn’t, I challenged it. There’s no electrical tech in Ireland on 130k base salary. None

Talk me through that piece

@Locke shitting hinself that a sparks is earning more than him.


He is in facilities and on shift, not 40 yet.

Sure you know yourself there are still plenty of old contracts floating around in factories too. A fitter in DeBeers would have been on that sort of money and had a helper to move the toolbox for him.

And with the greats of respect for those lads, they weren’t pulling over 10k gross a month. Just not happening.