
Thank you for your service, pal.

Happy Teachers Appreciation Day from all at Tui Travel


One of the noblest. Having a good teacher can make all the difference to a young lad (and presumably also a young wan) and can have a huge impact on how they get on in life generally

Is this a day when teachers appreciate how handy they have it?


You can’t spell Teacher’s Union of Ireland without TUI


Still in date?

Teaching is just about the last vocation standing.
Teaching and farming.

Performance management is in place over here. In my experience, it’s not fit for purpose. Or at least how it’s done it isn’t. You are generally given one target linked to the performance of the class e.g. 80% to make the age related expectation for the that year in Writing , Maths and Reading. Which is generally fine because that’s what you aim for and historically that 20% were SEND and/or your disadvantaged pupils who normally don’t make it.
However post Covid we’re seeing more SENd and More disadvantaged. Plus the learning gaps from missing so much school so 80% is not the magic number anymore but for OFSTED etc it still is.

Also children are not robots so one year group you would hit that 80% no bother and another year group you might be lucky to hit 60%.


Slowly being eroded by the government over here. Shock.

Yep. Like everything. They corrode everything decent.

I’d have a savage crush on my geography teacher. She was some babe.


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She’d be looking good forever

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Having seen close up the calibre of both colleague and scholar you’ve to work with daily, can I offer a massive appreciation for the Trojan effort @fenwaypark !


The priesthood?

Ive left this year. I have fond memories of the place but was time for a change. I heard they have a very good bunch for rugby in 1st year. Wont be long until they are contending again.


The big job somewhere else?

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Best of luck wherever you’ve gone. Whoever got you are fortunate to have you.


I’d say we could have all done with a teacher like you in our life’s.

Hope the next Gig works out.


It’s the other services they’ve fucked. Like SEND , social workers, Ed Psychs, pastoral things. That puts massive pressure on schools. Our Pastoral Manager is overwhelmed with a range of things. From families being evicted to having no money to clothe their kids. Children not having breakfast because parents can’t afford. That’s before you touch DV, drugs, etc.

They’ve completely fucked the country

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