
This is pretty weird juhy

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“But miss!”

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He is a fucking idiot.

Is that one word or two?

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Teachers on the mainland are woefully under paid and spend most of their time completing paper work.


Both barrels…


:rollseyes: ……

Sounds like an awful gig in the UK,
Bad enough without having to deal with ignoramous parents


Correct. Some of the parents are something else. We’ve had punch ups on the playground, during the nativity. You name it ,it’s happened. Since COVID though, parent have absolutely no respect.


Not for love nor money

Can anyone copy and paste please


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Jennifer Clancy doesn’t sound like a very Spanish name.

Must be nice

“ Ms Clancy gave evidence that she had originally agreed to work at the school in 2018 on the basis that she could avoid afternoon classes at least four days out of five. ”

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Thank you.

She should be teaching a bit of bidniz with those negotiation skills

The teacher said another serious issue arose when a teacher was videoed from behind by a student.

PM me for video

There are approximately 9 class slots per day in secondary school if I’m not mistaken.

That’s 45 per week.

Do you think Spanish language teacher would have 45 classes per week or something?

It’d usually be around 10 classes.

You have a problem with her requesting if these could be scheduled in such a way that she wouldn’t be in and out like Bishop Casey’s mickey?

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Is Jennifer from Limerick? :thinking::astonished: