
Johnny Lalor sounds like a bit of a cock.


Johnny Lawlor won’t come home until religious patronage of Irish schools is changed.
In the meantime Johnny will continue teaching in a country run by a military dictatorship that has ordered 12 rules be displayed in all classrooms which include the following;

  1. Loyalty to the Nation, a Religion, and the Monarchy
  2. Preserving the Thai customs and tradition
  3. Correct understanding of democracy with the King as Head of State
  4. Constant consciousness to practice good deeds all the time, as taught by His Majesty the King
  5. Practice of Self-Sufficient Economy in accordance with the teaching of His Majesty the King
  6. Physical and mental strength. Refusal to surrender to religious sins.
  7. Uphold the interest of the nation over oneself.

But ya, he I can see how morally he’d find it difficult to come home with his kids where they’d struggle to find healthy multi cultural lifestyle . :roll_eyes:


Very poor grasp of counting here from @Julio_Geordio

I didn’t put up all 12 mate, the rest are irrelevant to the discussion. Very poor grasp of the understanding of the words “which include”


a sex tourist using his kids as an excuse not to come home. His family are probably wondering what he is doing over there and he produces that crap.

Shit. I’ve mugged myself off here rushing for a quick jab. Next time Julio. Next time.

You’d have to get up pretty early in the afternoon to catch me out

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Johnny can do what he likes for now, no harm when the kids are very young. But kids need family and mates as well. He’ll want to settle down at some stage and will be back with his cheap necklaces and Buddha statues between his metaphorical legs.


Professional nomad

An absolute grade one thundering cunt.


I’ve recently moved house and fucked out the Buddha statue we picked up while I was teaching abroad…

And then you hit your mid-life crisis. Maybe Buddha was helping you more than you realise

Buddha was in the shed broken. The young lad had kicked the shit out of him within about a month of learning how to walk.

How is young Damien these days?

Savage. We spent this morning playing hide and seek monsters in the play centre in malahide. Great 2 weeks ahead. Im also gonna see a doctor this week to get my nose that he broke at Christmas fixed.


Two entire weeks. They only get good Friday and easter week up here. It’s long enough to be entertaining them- work’s a holiday in comparison

Is easter the mid-term break or are these 2 weeks in addition to the mid-term break time off as well?

There’s three school terms mate, has been forever

Could pop up the terms there please?

You don’t know the Irish school terms?

Think about the words ‘mid-term break’ carefully, and you’ll have your answer.