
I assumed you’d link the comments made to yours - but there you go, silly me for assuming logic would be applied.

Your assumptions made an ass out of you.

I answered your question, in typical teacher defence union fashion you switched the focus when you didn’t like the answer.

You’re the king of moving goal posts … your rant is misplaced here as teachers wouldnt have the power to close schools last minute for weather reasons —

Living the dream.

You’re like most teachers, you can’t take your beating. You thought you came in with a superior argument and you got floored by one quick response from me. Take it on the chin and love along.

If teachers were as smart as they think they are then they wouldn’t be raring a generation of idiots.


You certainly prove your point

Presumably near your workplace?

No idea. I’m not a secretary.

Your original point has been destroyed and in typical fashion youre spouting tripe. Maybe have a more balanced breakfast and you’ll be able to keep up with what’s going on.

How has it being destroyed. Your initial response had you floored in one post.

Go back to your coco-pops, you’ve been obliterated.

They have too much idle time on their hands.

1 Like

Striking again I see.


They decided to take a duvet day today.

Brilliant for climate change and emissions. Fuckall traffic in Porto today.

Teachers will be driving halfway round the country to get spa treatments today.

M7 outside Kildare Village turnoff


Newry ???