
LC is just one day that can destroy u I’d say, crazy system

He got in. Think it was flagged that he was a fluent Irish speaker who was able to converse on television and radio in the language. He said it was by the absolute skin of his teeth. I think someone knew someone

Love languages but TBH Irish was a pain in the hole for me, love it now, but couldn’t grasp it properly in school,yet learned passable Romanian through a book/cassette tape whilst bouncing mid week in the 720 bar Derry( needed it as we were dealing with Cops/ border guards/money changers etc,so I guess if I’d have put my mind to it I’d have done better, ambition of mine to master Irish before the lights go out👍
Bro in law( late) came out of the H blocks fluent, ( jailteacht)


Caith an bosca 355,and all that malarkey, buntuais cainnte etc, great teachers bit still struggled

Would you have no interest in post primary? Not blowing steam up your ass, but Id say you would make a fine teacher.

A fluent Irish speaker getting a D in Irish is a bit mad no?


And Id only have history really… As philosophy was my other undergrad subject.

Do you qualify to teach new politics course? That is quite popular.

I’ve never looked… Probably with philosophy. What’s it called?

You’re not selling it right @fenwaypark

@Thomas_Brady you get 4 months of the year off, get paid for it and work half days.


The time off doesn’t interest me, I want to shape young people’s lives.

Scouts Ireland?

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I’m not a nonce.


Ah now, , 42 ND Cork S t Peters and Paul’s, we had one of those deviants

Is it cspe?

That’s junior cycle.

See links above.

Ok… Hibernia don’t do the senior cycle version. I’ll email to be sure.

Politics only introduced at senior cycle in 2019. You will see more schools offer it going forward. Lovely combo for lads that like History.