
Hibernian do a post primary teaching course,
It’s no joke combining it with full time work though and you’ll want an understanding employer for the teaching practice, you also need to find all the placements yourself


@Thomas_Brady, you could apply for https://www.educationposts.ie/post/view/134284

Those jobs are never gone as it is privately paid and they might consider you even though you dont have PME/Hiberina


He did the leaving cert 15 years previously

:joy: never heard that one before. Very good

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You might want to delete that before your cover is blown.

If you’re doing the LC Irish course next year let me know. Fella I know does a show that goes through all 20 of the picture stories you need for the oral. Itll save you a lot of time. Some teachers I know highly recommend it.


Old going back to the late 70s

Of you’re serious my kid is doing it I’d appreciate a link if possible, he is aiming to teach but Irish is his weakest subject

My buddy primary teacher in scoil an Spioraid Naoimh did it and said it was vv difficult, as he’d a young family on top of it, and was no spring chicken, hes a great committed teacher

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What year is he in and what school

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Is there anything to be said for pressing teachers and their students into fruit and vegetable harvesting for a few months?

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In all seriousness I reckon @Thomas_Brady would make a great secondary school teacher.

And what brought you to that conclusion?

I’ll second that. He’s a good sort that cares about others.


You’re too auld. You’d be 50 by the time you’ll settle into a school and get a decent contract.

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Exactly a top bloke that has life experience to pass on to the next generation.

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He’s 5th year ATM Colaiste an Spioraid Naoimh Bishopstown, Cork

My three cousins went to school there…I think one of them was in with John Egan.

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There was a woman I met years back that had spent 20+ years working with airlines in the US, came home, did the Hibernian course and started teaching round the 50. Was school principal in West Clare within five years or so

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Most clare people I’ve met have all the signs of getting educated by an air hostess alright.