
Philosophy should be a required subject in post primary, more important now than ever, with kids relaying on social media for received wisdom. You should make it your life’s work to make this happen in Ireland.

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Went there myself and yeah he went there

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Arrah fuck off with that shite. This lad has wasted enough time in education.

And JBM of course

A friend of mine did an apprenticeship when he left school finished it at 21. Did a business degree then. Decided he wanted to be a NS teacher and went to Strawberry Hill for 2 years and rode a load of english wans there. Came home and had to do his leaving cert Irish then

Teacher now and he fucking loves it and he is a brilliant teacher. Mainly because he is a big kid himself.

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Came in for the 100th anniversary of the rising in 2016. Examined for LC for the first time in 2018

Are you on hrt ?


Tabhair Dom an heroin or I’ll stick an ceann seo up your hole

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Cool story bro


No. I was hoping to get a little bite from our Italian teacher hater. The little lady was meant to be doing her communion tomorrow and she had been a bit down of late about the lockdown and not seeing her mates. This cheered her right up.


Primary school I take it? Youd have to be some fuckwit not to be principal within five years of teaching in a primary school. All they want is someone half sensible to stop rows amongst a bundle of adults who’ve spent their careers being socialised by small children. The problem is they have to pick from amongst a bunch of wimmin who’ve been clawing one another’s throats out for years. 2% of primary school teachers are male. 63 % of primary school principals are male. Why do you think that is?


Because you made it up perhaps?

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The misogyny crew were on the late shift last night.

The ‘statistics’ yes…but it’s an accepted unspoken fact. A lot of women principals cause havoc, they’re far too conscientious about paperwork, drive their staff mad with policies, training, documentation for everything that moves. Men generally wing it but try to get along with everyone; parents, kids, staff etc but draw the line when needed. That’s really what the job is about.
Edumacation isn’t complicated.

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They never go home them lads

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Complete horse shit stat I assume?

I’d say it’s not far off

I think it’s 20pc

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No idea of stats. But based on the 3 or 4 national schools local to me its horseshit anyway. At least one male in each school out of 6 or 7 teachers

At least one? I suppose it’s hard to have 2% in a school of 6 or 7