
I think children respond much better in a classroom environment and almost all of them seem to love school these days.

I just checked the notices we’ve received from the principal since School closed. 25 messages, 11 of them about religion, whether it be a message from the priest, mass being streamed online or such. None of the notifications had anything to do with actual school work or school items other than a few messages about picking up their books. Most of the rest were about setting up the notification system and distribution of lunches from fresh today for families who wanted it.


This has been developed over here in the UK. I find it very good and the children have been engaged with it from the off. Year 3 would be 2nd class and so on.

White Rose maths have maths videos and worksheets too.

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She was in a playgroup that was doing the aistear curriculum and it was brilliant.

Small concern that there has been such a big gap between that and going into big school. Shes been having an absolute beano throughout this covid thing.

Jaysus. That’s madness.

I think a lot of primary schools use aistear throughout the infant years. I know my sister does. She had our Dad on his toes building her various bits to serve as hospitals/postoffices/shops etc and my Mum said she had no recycling for months because she was taking every empty carton


Religion still rules the roost in the schools

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Now I am thankful for small mercies and no religious talk

I wouldn’t worry about it, I’ve yet to hear of another school doing it. They also pick things up incredible quick at that age. Reading for example, while it was all sounds/phonetics at the start when it comes to actually reading it just all comes together very quickly later on in the year once they have the base.


It looks like great craic. Go in, have a play around, ate a bit. Wreck the place in paint. Go out and jump around in the mud and dig for worms. Ate a bit. Make something. Home.

Would that life were that simple now :joy:

We had a moderate enough approach. List of work for next day sent out every evening. Reading in English and Irish recorded and what sapped to the teacher. Also send a pic of your ‘comhrá’ page for the week. Teacher always gives a bit of feedback… I’d say teacher is doing a few hours a day in total but I’d say most parents are doing as much if not more

I’m aware of a secondary school in Dublin where the principal is a religious nut. Instead of a Dept of Education or Dept of Health statement being put on the website, the parents were directed to read the message that the bishops put out on the covid crisis.


It’s not all bad. The level of reading in my 2 primary aged kids has improved no end with home schooling and intensive personalized scrutiny you wouldn’t get in a class room. Their teachers have RTÉ school hub 12pm as their curriculum every day. Real Trojan effort there from them alright. Watched it once and never again.


Leave her concentrate on the rainbows and she’ll be much better off.


Are they looking forward to going back to school?

The young girl’s teacher phones every now and again, just to check on progress etc. She phoned last Monday, then I had to collect some work from the school on Thursday morning- it was supposed to be in the office but the secretary couldn’t find it so the teacher ended up handing it over in person. There was some school talk with a few autobiographical details thrown in. She phoned again this morning… If it gets awkward I might ask @Cicero_Dandi to stand in for me.

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I had to laugh as an image of pink-faced kids developing black stripes and hair on their backs with tusks for teeth formed in my mind.


Yeah, it seems to be dependent on the school. Our lad has only started getting it in the last month though, before that they were just learning to make the correct shaped scrawl

Having said that if his oul fellas handwriting is anything to go by, he’ll win no awards

2 hours homework 2 nd class, that to me sounds a lot for a little kiddie to do, my 5 th year has enough after 2 hours, I see his eyes glaze over and know from then on nothing gets retained, know it’s not homework but still bloody pressure

We never to my recollection had any homework ever in national school bar a few spellings maybe, and a very occasional essay. A full day at school is plenty for kids. Homework should be banned.